

Hanako Akemi.
I HATE ART, I HATE ART, I HATE ART! WITH ALL MY HEART! OH why did that have to rhym? My class was on a school trip to an art museum. I had already gotten in trouble for writing, "I hate art." on my journal we made out of cardboard and glue. everyone In my class already knows I hate art and they don't care. Except for thos girl named Gabriela. But I could care less about what she says, she can't force me to love something I HATE. And who is gonna do something about it? No one. Eugh, and I HATE how blank this art museum is. if it's an art museum why not throw I a little twang into it huh? The class went on their seprtate ways and toom a look around. I sigh as i drag my feet along the hall way. I turn a corner and see a pain ring, a painting that surprisingly has caught my Interest. I walk closer to the painting as a stare at it. I read the signature, "Hanoko Akemi." surely that can't by the name of the creator. right? the painting shown a lady wearing a pink cherry blossom kimono. She had bun on her hair and was smiling. I don't know what's come over me, usually I'd hate art. and diss on it. But-but I smiled back at the painting. I quickly stop smiling and walk away. As I walk a way a hear a CLANK, SHATTER! I quickly turned around to see the painting on the floor, it frame, broken. There was know ways that painting fell just by me staring at it, it was obviously gravity. I star at the painting for moment. I see a hand rise out of the painting, the another hand leading to body and legs. my eyes go wide. She looked exactly like the girl in the painting. She was like...eight feet tall. It was a moment of silence, my breathing became shallow. The lady raised her hand, and directed it towards her painting. I knew what she wanted me to do, she-she wanted me to go inside her painting. There's no way, that's Impossible. With a snap of her finger a busy of wing sent me flying towards the painting. I grab on the floor but it was no use, this perfectly waxed floor was too much for my hand to handle.
"No, why are you doing this, please. don't.." I
grab onto her leg.
"No....please." It was no use, she yanked me off." I scream my oh be off only to find my self back in the hall on the floor. I was yelling like a maniac. people where staring at me. I slowly get up of the floor. my teacher came walking furiously towards me. She grabbed me arm and jerked it.
"What are you doing!? people think you're going crazy!"
"I think-I think I am going crazy." I responded.
"Do you need to go sit outside!?" I shake my head. My teacher nods her head and walks away. I sigh, I started to feel bit tired. Maybe I do need to do out side. i walk across the halls. seeing more paintings that do nothi mg but dissapoint. I come across a painting called, "Bouncing bubbles." I make my way closer to the painting. as soon. as a poke it bubbles came gushing out. I chuchkle a bit, no painti g has ever made me laugh. I pop a bubble with the tip of my finger. There even Moore bubbles, but different coMorse. But, I heard that same. SNAP! Soon the bubbles grew hard with spikes on the. they eradicated everywhere and started bouncing of the walls. I duck and lay on the ground to avoid getting hit, I crawl on the floor trying to make my way through the hall. A catch one of the bubbles but instantly regret it as the spi,es peirc through my hand I scream in agony as I tuck my bleeding hand under my shirt. I once again found myself on the ground, in the middle of the hall way, with everyone sharp g at me. my teacher ca,e up to me once again and jerked my arm fro. under my shirt.
"Oh, you poor thing. how did this happen. go in the bathroom and wash it off." I nod my head and make my way to the bathroom. I was so exhausted I felt like fainting. I go I to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I walk up to the sink and rinse my hands in water. I rap paper towels around them. I slump onto the floor. I was so tired. I fell asleep on the bathroom floor! Never though it fall asleep in the bathroom. I had a nightmare, about her, Hanoko Akemi. She was banging on the door, louder and louder. I couldn't stand the knocking anymore. I woke up, how long have I been asleep? I heard a small knock at the door. that must be my teacher. I got up and opens the door, but no one was there. I walk down the halls of the museum looking left to right, but no one's to be seen. All of the paintings hit the ground with their framed breaking and shattering. I look around and see all paintings come to life. I heard a voice speak to me.
"Liking you're tour of the museum so far?" Her voice, it sounded, beautiful. I turn around to see Hannako Akemi.
"Finally." I sigh in relief. "Now i can talk to you face to face." I took a look at how tall she was. "Well, kinda. face to face." Hanako kneels down towards my level.
"There, is that better for you, little one?" I nod my head.
"Now, what do you want with me!? why are you doing this!?"
"Well, you have disrespected this art museum, it is my job to go ahead and finish you off. But, I can show you mercy by letting you take your leave and never show up here ever again." I scoff.
"No thank you, I'll be taking my chances. I'll just destroy this art museum, burn it down!" A devilish smiled appeared on my face. Hanako sighed, she didn't seem to be threatened by my threat at all.
"I'll just kill you before you can." Hannako shapes her fingers and sent her pain ring towards me. I screamed running down the halls, I turn the donor and numb into my teacher. She grabbed me arm.
"Go, GO, OUTSIDE." Everyone was silent. I had enough of my teacher, and this art museum. I jerk my hand away from her.
"No, can't you see what's happening!?" No, it was clear they couldn't see. Because Hanako was only after, why, why? why did this have to happen to me. I walk away and find a can of air spray, the b a lighter. just what I wanted to end this piece crap. Everything went black. I couldn't see but o of three five feet in front of me. No matter. I went to a painting and threw it off the wall, I shatterd its frame. Everyone screamed, but I couldn't here them, I only saw myself. and the paintings. I spray the air freshener while lighting the lighter. It burst with flames. Everyone screamed and runs out the building. The museum was covered in flames. Hanako was wrong, I am but ing down her museum right now! I got hit up side the head with something but catch my balance before I fall. I look up to see Hanko Akemi. I look around noticing I was caught inside my own flames.
"Well, looks like we were both right, huh? You burn down my art museum, and I, kill you. you will be nothing but a spirit that roams and mourns all day and night haunting this museum." And before I knew it, everything went black. the museum was gone, I was gone. All the paintings were burned, except for one. And that was Hanako's, of course. I know that there will be a time, Hanako will strike again. after that, no one bothered to build back the museum. So they just left it there, in burnt peices with burnt paintings. So now, I sit there all a lone as a spirit who haunts the museum.
© toohoo@