

Challenges to Science

"Kavita ... Kavita ... where are you? ..." her husband Anandan entered the house.

"I'm here ..." Kavita came out from the room as she wiped away the tears by hanging the picture of her born dead child.

"Kavita, if you keep on crying means what to do? ... Think of me. It's just unhappy to see you. I understood that We had a situation that should not happen to anyone in life. Recovering from it is not so easy. For that, the fact that you grieve yourself like this further makes my mind run wild. Anandan said with anguish.

“Sorry dear, I don’t think to hurt your heart. Looking after six years
I bought everything to her. I ever wished I had heard that she was my life. Now my daughter punitha is no longer with me ... I never thought she would leave us like this. I'm going with her ... I do not want to be alive .... " she cried in a deep depression.

"Kavitha, if you are gone and I will also come with you ... I cannot be an orphan alone. Give me toxin first and then you can die. "

"No ... Please don't say those words. I can't forgive . Her memories bother my mind. I just said this without forgetting ..." she cried.

"Okay, don't cry .... if you are like this, will our punitha get back? .... the only thing left is that you are bothering me .... I could not see you like this. I bought food for you. Take and then sleep Kavita. Tomorrow I will gather you to a place where I am going. " Said Anandan.

They two ate and slept away.

The next morning,

Kavita, Are you ready? ...

"Hmm ... Let's start. Where are we going?" Kavita asked.

"Kavita ... a friend of mine called him home. He had been calling me for a long time. That's why I am going to pick you up today."

Both were at the house of his friend Venugopal.

Everyone's welcome at the friend's house showed pleasure at her. At the same time Venu's children remembered her daughter punitha. At that situation, her mind expresses tears in the eyes without being able to control it.

"Kavita, no one can digest the tragedy that befell you. I never thought such an accident would happen to a six-year-old child. It's unforgettable. It is a mistake to think that you have no life for it. You both are still young only. Why can't you think like this, your dead child punitha is yours again. You both have the desire to give birth for the next one... you think slowly ... "said Venugopal.

There was a slight change in the faces of the two. Anandan saw Kavita that she was playing with the children of Venugopal and then he took Venugopal alone and talked to him.

"I think my daughter will get back to me. Now I can see the change in her face too
when she hears what you have to say.
Now, I hope she knows the progress," Anandan said.

"It's true. You know the change. You just have to say consolation. Go home and talk to her..." said Venugopal.

"Okay. Bye. Kavita shall we leave ..." Anandan asked.

"Okay, Bye." said kavita.

On the way, Kavita said, "If we tried for an another child, punitha will be born in my womb again. I have hope." She cried and rubbed her stomach with such a desire.

Anandan said, "Don't worry, punitha won't leave us anywhere. She will be born our own daughter again."

Days moved ...

Kavita became pregnant again. They were both at the peak of happiness.

Kavita shed tears of joy, "Our punitha had not left us. Our daughter is back ...."

Anandan said, "How come our daughter will leave us. See the baby in your womb is going to be like punitha. This baby's wishes, behavior and affection everything as it's like our punitha..."

"I have to name the baby as punitha. Again I need to call that name a lot. If I called punitha ma, at once she will hug and kiss me. I will get that gift again ..." she shed tears.

"Well, if our punitha is to be happy, your eyes should not be troubled anymore ..." said Anandan.

A few days later ...

Anandan, who came home after office ....

The woman from next door said, "your wife kavita suddenly fainted and fell down. There was blood oozing from his ear. That's why my son was taken to Malar Hospital."

Anandan went to Malar Hospital and
Saw her ... she was unconscious.

He looked at the doctor and talked.
"Don't be alarmed by what I say. Has your wife ever been hit in the head before? ..." the doctor asked.

"Before this ... I don't remember exactly Dr.. Why are you asking? ... Is there any problem? .." Anandan asked.

Remind well and say... said the doctor.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Yes, Doctor.She fell down the stairs a year ago. But that is not to say that there was no such pain then.We left too. "

"That's the problem now. If you had seen a doctor right away then, there would not have been such a complicated situation today. Your wife's blood is frozen in her head and she is in a life - threatening condition. Sorry to say. She's counting her days. " Said the doctor.

"Doctor please save my wife's life. I beg you please. No matter how much it costs.She is pregnant. You have to save both my baby and my wife ... " He
Fell at the doctor's feet and begged.

"You don't cry ... there's no danger to your baby. I can understand your situation.
But, everything went out of hand. now
I give her pills. But, this pill will only postpone the days of her life and it will be difficult to save them. The best medicine than the pill I give them is to have no idea they have such a problem. Don't just tell them this. "

"Having lost a six-year-old daughter ... she's just getting pregnant again .. she wished her dead baby would be born again .... now how can I see her face ... how can I hide ..." he cried by tapping on his head.

The doctor said, "Let's see your wife.."

"Kavita, how are you? ...." He held her hand.

"Mmmm ... I'm fine ... Punitha in my womb has nothing know... Is she alright now" Kavita asked.

"Both of you are fine. No problem," Anandan said.

"Well, you can go home." The doctor said and left.

Both came home. Holding her hand, he asked, "What do you think about the future of punitha? How come should we grow up her? "

With tears in her eyes, she said, "We have to buy everything she likes. We have to look after her many times now more than we used to look at her affectionately before her death... She will never leave me ... I will not leave her even for a minute ... She is ours Angel ... the treasure that will be available to us again ... " she rubbed with love the unborn child.

The baby's movement was known ....

"Look ... this is our punitha. She moves when we talk about her. Punitha Kutty is going to see her mother in a month ..." she said with a smile.

Anandan went alone without showing his pain to her and shed tears.

Suddenly she started having labor pains ... He took her to the Malar hospital.
The baby girl was born ...

"She looks like our punitha ... she's got back ..." Kavita kissed the baby's hands.

Anandan thinks that Neither Iwill be happy to see the baby and think that you were born ... Nor will be sad that the baby is going to lose her mother soon ....

Well Kavita take care of the baby I will see the doctor and come.

Anandan left the ward.

The ward nurse from next door came to see the nurse in Kavita ward. Then ...

"Kavita, Have you had a baby .... How are you now? You hit yourself on the head and the blood clotted ... The doctor said your life was in danger that you are counting the days. Did you check anywhere else ... Did you see any improvement in your body ..." asked from the ward next door Nurse.

Kavita who heard it ... She felt that the woman gave a red alarm to her life. She can't able to accept it.

When she saw Anand, she was silent without saying anything.
Went home with baby.

Her baby did not move away from her. Kavita looks at the baby and keeps crying.

"Punitha has came to us again in her next birth. Why are you still crying like this ..." he asked.

"Punitha has arrived but I'm going to leave you both soon ... The nurse from the next ward looked at me and asked about my dangered life that I'm counting the days... That's all, My life with you both had gone" she cried.

Unable to say consolation, Anandan took her hand and cried.

"I will not leave you dear. I cannot ... You know how I wished to nurture my punitha. But, the Lord is calling me so soon ... Who will look after her like me later. Why the God give me the baby back and not leaving me enjoy it to the fullest. It almost came to an impossible level ... "she shouted.

"Don't cry ... Look at our punitha all our worries will fly away. I will save you somehow. Don't worry ..
Kavita ... there is no better medicine than being happy ... Feel Comfort dear" Said Anandhan.

The next day Kavita was alone ...

A next house girls voice, "Sister ...."

The girl asked, "Sister, I need to take a seminar on cloning in biology. You please guide me to understand it."

"Okay .... come on ma ..." Kavita called her and taught about cloning.

When the girl went, kavita raised a lot of questions by herself... why not clone us. Our baby will never get a mother like us after me. If we clone .. the woman with our gene will take care of our punitha safely. Punitha will get heartbroken if anything happens to her. Our husband will take care of us as well ... She told her husband on the phone that there is no better way than this.

She told him her decision.

"I cannot accept what you are saying. I hope nothing happens to you. Understand Kavita ... where you are?
I can't think of anyone else ... all of this is practically impossible. Do not confuse the mind unnecessarily ... "

"I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow and talk about this. Only a woman with my genes can understand my baby's pain ..." she said.

"I do not want you to say ... but I will come for you tomorrow ..." he said.

Both saw the doctor and told him what had happened. Kavita says she wants to clone ...

The doctor said, "Cloning is not easy ... it expensive. Not only that, we are not responsible for any other problems that may arise if you create like this. We will only do it if you both sign together."

Anandan came and said, "We will come tomorrow."

When he came home, he talked to her. She did not listen.

"Even if I do not live with my child, I will go away happy thinking that my genetic woman will take good care of my punitha. You have to agree if my soul is to be at peace after death."

"I'm not saying anything more than this ... do what you think ..."

Arrangements for seeing the doctor the next day and cloning have begun.
Both collaborated ...

But, Kavita looks at her child with deep love from time to time. As the days go by Kavita’s health gets worse. Kavita's baby not leaving her mom.. The cloning woman is ready ...

Suddenly Kavita's health became very bad. The doctor had marked the day. Kavita is always in a trance .. The child is crying without eating due to Kavita's longing and her health is not good ...

He told the cloning doctor, "Kavita's health is very bad. My baby is in poor health without the warmth of a mother. I think my baby will not cry like he saw his mother when he saw the cloning lady."

"You can feel free to gather. You will feel like you are seeing your wife. Come and take her," said the doctor.

"Sorry. Couldn't save your wife ..." the doctor said and left.

He holds punitha in his arms and cries.

Punitha is in the mother's section, not eating anything, not sleeping, only looking for Kavita in the house ... The baby cries without eating anything and baby felt feverish...

When she saw the cloning Kavita coming, she cried and stretched out her hand. When she lifted it she knew she was not our mother and started crying again. Punitha had a high fever.

Anandan told the cloning kavita, "My baby has been reborn .... I hope you understand her nostalgia and take good care of her."

The doctor said, "Your baby has not eaten anything we can give him in his mother's nostalgia ... he has not even gone to his mother.

Cloning Kavita said, "Let's take punitha to our house. There, if she sees me wearing your wife's clothes, she can feel her mom on me"

Punitha had came home. Cloning Kavita
treat punitha as her own child. She looked good. But doesn't the child know the difference between his mother's warmth and the affection of others? ... "

Suddenly one morning,

She was holding her mother's saree by her hand and died ....

Anandan and the cloning kavita cried when they saw it.

"They both have left me an orphan. What am I going to do with my life .. There is no one for me ... I have lost you again my child...." he cried.

The cloning kavita cried out, "I was created to take care of you. Why was I created in this world after you left punitha ..."

The child's section is irreversible from both.

The cloning kavita said, “I’ll go somewhere. What made me feel like nonsense .... is of no use to you because I am here .... "

Anandan said, "You were created by us .... How can you say that you are useless ... I do not want to sin again ... What a sin i did for this state .... I create you and tell me not then .... How ... "he said.

The Cloning kavita also said, "I admit to myself through science that no science can compensate for the loss of a mother and her affection, no matter how much science has developed like the Himalayas. Mother's love is one and only challenge for the science now a days."

© Ramyakathiravan