

incomplete life
Its evening ,after the death of her mother she is looking outside the window ,hearing some common condolences "May her soul rest in peace".People are coming and going ,telling some haunted words albeit she don't wanna hear them. *Its your life now ,you have to choose whether you will live here or not". ...people whispering "she's the only daughter ,now honour of all the property".
each word goes straight to her soul ,dropping word after word making her more depressed and deserted. she was thoughtful about how the life dealt with her again.her mom was her only support after her father .she was shuffling around ,waiting for some shock to give away,waiting for any kind of structured feelings to emerge from  the organizational fakery of her days.she felt empty-hung.Looking at the canvas with an incomplete painting and tears rolling down her cheeks.It was her pessmitic approach towards her odd alone life.