

Race called life
Few lines for my friends
whom I lost during this race called life..
Friends are those siblings whom God forgot to give birth in our family.
I love you guys....❤️❤️
Love doesn't always mean boyfriends or girlfriends it's a bond that exists among people irrespective of the name given to their relation.
The bond that I share with you guys is irreplaceable...
This friendship day, remembering u guys I m feeling like a rollercoaster ride where once upon a time we used to spend 6 long hrs together in school and now we are all grown ups and so busy that we don't have 6 mins to see each other.
Those were days when we used to spend the entire week together at our school and tutions still weren't ever satisfied. I remember how difficult Sundays were for us. we had to wait for one whole day for Monday to come so that we meet again and it was most difficult task of the week for us.
Now are the days when we wait for summer and winter holidays to gather together just in case we get a chance.
After growing up, life has changed a lot. there are many new people around me with whom I attend luxurious parties at restaurants but the fun that we had with our one little lunch box and so many hands within it can never be the same again.
During childhood everyone told us that life becomes amazing once you grow up but nobody mentioned that you won't have your amazing people in that amazing life.
I know we are all busy but please find sometime for your family and friends coz you might be leading an amazing life but there would be a moment when you will realize that life isn't so amazing without those amazing people who were there for you when you weren't this amazing.
Not only to my friends.... I would like to advice everyone.... Please don't forget your past just because your present is better because your past may not have any role in your present but they helped you survive your past that's why you are present in your present.
© ipsita sahu