

Standing tall, ready to fight

A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush, she has been having nightmares about being face to face with her past, since lately every was making her afraid and being frightened, what was it about her past that scares her so much?. she is a very humble person who like to keep her problems to herself , she didn't see it fit to bother anyone with her worries, she sat on a bench in the park as she speaks out load, I fear my husband will find me again after all he has done to me I am living in fear even when , he is not around what am I to do how can I be happy , I gave my all and my I can't ever move on to be happy anymore, she sat sad and lonely until she started to remember how happy she was, fun and caring, and she was not about to make her husband spoil that for her, she is ready to fight, she is ready to stand up for herself because it's her time now to tell it how it is, she will no longer give him power over her she will not have that , as she stood without fear standing tall she walked and walked until her shadow was no more ready to fight , stand tall, being strong now the hunter become the hunted .
MTC. Writco