

It was such a strange evening.
No, there was no furniture moving by itself. No, I did not catch a glimpse of a shadow passing by the hallway. I did not hear unusual noises, nor creaks, nor footsteps. I did not see a scary figure behind me when I looked into the mirror. No, not that kind of strange. I was just surrounded by silence. There were no angry shouts coming from my mother’s mouth. My father spoke briefly. I was asked if I wanted a cup of coffee. I was asked if my food was good. I was asked if I could play some music. I was spoken to in such gentle manner. My inner rage was not provoked. I was calm and composed as I can be. And, so they were. And so they were? Wow, and so they were.

While I was washing the dishes, I laughed at the thought that I might be dying . Perhaps, all the chaos had been alleviated tonight because God wanted to give me the taste of true peacefulness as I live my last days on Earth. ( I hope that isn’t the case, though. I’d rather live forever and go to war everyday than die tomorrow without fulfilling my little dreams. ) Or maybe, they just might’ve finally learnt that being gentle to their daughter will shut off the demons that usually manifest in her words and actions. The demons that she got as an early inheritance. No, my inner rage was not my parents’ fault. It was mine, I was the one who welcomed it in my head. I had let those monsters infest my mouth and hands. I have become, because I had let me become. I don’t know if you understand. But I do, and that’s all that matters.

It was such a strange evening, indeed. And silently, I wish that things like this will keep on happening. Until I can no longer define such evenings as “strange”.

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