

The adventures of Manikandan-Episode 7
This morning was a busy affair. There were people everywhere and apparently, there were more people staying in that hotel besides students in the two schools. And today, at 6:00
am sharp, a couple turned up at our door, saying that this is their room and I honestly don't know if we should be thankful to them for waking us up at 6 or if we should be angry at them for waking us up at 6 am. Anyways, we quickly got ready for the day and turned out that I did pack a bit too much. All of my roommates had one carry-on bag and a suitcase, but I had two suitcases, one filled with what looked like a lifetime supply of uttapam and dosa. The other one was filled with all kind of clothes. The carry-on was filled with “essentials”, including baby wet wipes and salt just in case the food didn't have any. Speaking of food, we quickly got down to the makeshift banquet hall which was turned into a full blown resturant. There were all varieties of food and made sure to eat and try everything because who knows if I will ever have the privilege of eating a crossaint.
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