

falling for the play boy😥
"hey there!" he called out and started walking towards me
I was new at school and having this guy approach me was a nightmare. I heard stories about how the seniors bully newcormers......is that my fate this early morning 😣
"look up at me" he commanded and I looked up.
"wow!😮" he is so handsome buh I had to be sturdy
"whats your name?"
"are you a newcormer?"
"which programme and what year"
"Business, year two"
"oh wow! I'm a business student too , in year three. I will see you around then.....bye👋"
I walked towards my department for class that morning. I got a chair and sat on it as I waited for my lessons. "how is my first day in class going to be like ......oh God!"
"hi!" a voice broke into my thought
"hi" I said
"guess you are new. whats your name?"
" Gladys"
"I'm Faustina. can we be friends?" she stretched her hand
"yes sure......friends!" I shook the stretched hand
it was 3:30 and class had ended." I needed to get back home" I thought and started packing my books
"where do you think you are running to?" he asked. it was the same guy I met on my way to class this morning. what does he want now??
"I'm running home......its closing." I smiled at his silly question 😄
"Quiet class!" he called the class to order and pulled me slowly out of my chair. I was reluctant buh he exerted a litle force on me. he held my hand and pulled me to the front........I looked at him and he winked at me. "What's wrong with him?"
"Now I want you all to know that this new girl here has won me over. I have fallen inlove with her smiles, her voice, her beauty and everything. well! I'm telling you all so the guys will lay clear off her.......don't touch what belongs to me!" he pulled me towards him and kissed me infront of everyone in class. I got away from him, picked my bag and tried exiting when he held my hand and pulled me back to him........ I fell prone to him and our eyes met. he looked deep into my eyes 🙄 "you are mine and there is nothing you can do about it. every part of your body belongs to me buh I choose your lips and hands for now.......when we get married......I will have access to the rest. fall inlove with no one else in this school else I will make your life a living hell here on campus and oh! as for the kiss.......expect it each time I come to your class or see you on the compound...... remember........your lips are mine!" he winked at me and left. the whole class went dead with silence as he spoke and everybody heard him clearly well....what's all this!😫😩
I got home that very day and wasn't able to even share my worries with anyone at home. I was an orphan staying with my guardians......how will I even explain myself to them! "I will handle this myself" I reasoned buh dreaded the following day.....I just wish I never met him on the compound!
"do you think you can walk on this compound without meeting me?"his voice startled me
" look I'm not interested in talking to you this morning....... just let me be please 🙏 " I pleaded and started walking away
"not so fast babe❤" he stopped me in my track and I turned to look at him.
"what is it again mr......
"I'm Paul.......call me Paul" he ended, reached for my hand and pulled me closer to him.
"please don't......" I hardly finished when he pursed his lips into mine........"I love you......you stole my heart.......please love me back".........he said as he push deeper into my lips 👄 😗
" you can't be doing this to me Paul! I hate you😠😭" I shouted at him as my tears poured freely.
"you're crying? what's the matter with you?" Fausty asked when I got to class
" he kissed me on the compound again. I will have to report him to the authorities soon!" I said and Fausty laughed hard😆🤣
"what's the matter with yah?......I'm going through pain and you're laughing at me!" I said as a tear dropped
"I'm sorry about that. its just that, no body will give you any attention. that guy has so much power that not even the owner of the school can stop him from getting what he wants. you have the power to stop him on your own. look, i learnt thats how he uses the girls that are new and mock them later. just becareful......he isn't real! he is not inlove with you!" Fausty spoke with so much pain I was forced to ask her a question for the first time since we became friends
" did he do the same to you?"
"yes he did. well I thought it was love! people warned me buh I thought they were jealous of me till he had his way and mocked me infront of the whole school. I had the shock of my life !" she ended with a tear
The class ended with Economics. it was really fun." lets get going" I signalled to Fausty as I picked my bag.
"not so fast Gladys" Paul held my hands with that mockery look and smile.
" what do you want??" I asked looking directly into his eyes
he drew closer to my lips buh I blocked it with my palm........."I'm not like those naive girls you used and dumped!" I reached out for Fausty's hand and pulled her away.
"wow! you did that?"
"yes and I will do it again and again! he needs to be thought some serious lessons!"
we parted ways , everyone lost to her own part of the journey
for two months I never laid eyes on Paul. this is unlike me.....I was so worried about him, I missed him and wish to see him and fight with him all the time . I know every one hates him buh I believe there is a litle good in him. "I will look for him after the break" I decided.
"Gladys" aunty shouted my name
"yes aunt, I'm coming"
"there is a friend here to see you. he is outside. I'm going to the market for some food stuffs. take care." my aunt said and left.
"a friend! a he! who could that be?" I thought as I made for the door.
I pulled it open and saw the figure under the summer hat with his back turned into the woods opposite our compound. I pulled the door shut and walked briskly to him . I hope this isn't a dream!
"hello" I called out and he turned
"hello" he turned and I was right after all, it was Paul. I feel like hugging him and telling him how I missed him. And to confess how his two months disappearance had made me fallen inlove with him.
"let me get you water" I said and rushed into our house.
I came back only to see a note on the table. " I'm leaving for the states. I decided to leave this country because I know I won't find true love here because of my actions some years back. I know I haven't been real to any girl all my life buh for you......I swear it! that I was. I have been trying to avoid you thinking what I felt for you could go away from my heart buh it kept growing stronger and stronger each second. I think of you virtually all the time buh I know I wont have you ever cos to you.....I'm the worst nightmare you have ever had! Gladys, I'm going away for ever.....not because I'm certain my love will die out for you buh to find someone who will atleast trust in my words and actions. what I felt for you........I have never felt for any other girl. good bye forever. your night mares are over. bye!
Paul Hedgson💔

"oh my God!" I slammered into the chair as my tears flowed freely around my cheeks. I lay my head on the table to weep more when my eyes caught something on the floor." is that not his visa?" I asked no one imparticular as I reached out for it. "oh God, I thank you for giving me back one last opportunity, I promise I won't waste it😩😭" I wiped my tears and took the water and the visa back into the house. I pray he comes back for it.!
I waited and waited for two days buh he never passed by for his visa......."had he travelled?? looking at how influential they said he was........maybe he had gotten another visa and travelled! what will I do now??" I was really going insane. at my age, i wasn't even having a phone to make a call. how will I even locate him now! is he even gone or still in town😩😫😣🤦🤦
on the third day, i was home alone when I heard a knock on our door." I'm coming" i said and rushed to get the door
"you!" i was astonished😮
"yes me and look......my flight is in two hours time, and I had to be on my way" he said without looking at me.
"and what do you want me to do about it?" I asked
"look, I passed here at your end when I went for my travelling documents buh i realised I dropped my visa. please get it for me and let me leave" he said with so much pain that my heart melted
"I won't " I stated and for the first time in so many months, our eyes met
"look I know I'm a bad guy okay buh please don't punish me like this. Please get it for me and let me go 🙏 " he pleaded. his voice was so soft
"no! I won't"
"Gladys please don't do this to me ......please 🙏" he knelt down. I reached out for his hand and pulled him up.
"who will you leave me to??" I asked as my tears betrayed me
"what are you saying?" he took out a handkerchief and wiped my tears for me.
"what am I saying? Paul you left me for two good months and it was unbearable, now you wanna leave me all alone for the rest of my life...........
"what difference does it make anyways?"
"it does!"
"no it doesn't "
"yes it does! because I..... I.... I have fallen inlove with you Paul. I love you."
© gladys_123