

The Letter...
It was spring season... The golden disc seems to be rising and rising with its orangish red background... There lived a girl Annie in town and she is simple enough in her life even though she rich. She is sooo good by heart and she wants to be an artist. She paints everyday with all her efforts and she used to enjoy her life in a way she wants. One day she when she opened the door she saw a bouquet with beautiful flowers with a small letter with words " Hey beautiful!!! Make your day awesome by trying new things!!" these words were there in letter and she turned around she couldn't find who it was. She gave a smile by seeing the letter and she took those inside. The next day again she saw a bouquet with letter " Beautiful!! Today is going to be the best for you... Have a great day!!!" And as it was written in the letter she had a huge surprise which is the best moment and day in her life. It was her boy...whom she met after two years. And he was ther one who kept the bouquet and letters for her everyday.... It's been two years they met eachother as he is working in his native and she came for her studies and even they where far apart they used to have a call or chat everyday and miss eachother... He gave all her favourites which she used to say that " I want this... I want that ..." when they go for an out. He took her out and she was still in surprise mood where she never had like this day ever in her life. She was so happy and as she completed her course she went back with him home and it was an happy ending.
Sending a written letter to our loved ones, family members, friends etc., is  a power greater than anything ever in our life. It may seem to be disappearance of a person but the words in the  wrap which is from the heart makes us happy when we read it and feel the person nearby even though not present...

© -Sowntharya