

I MET HER !!!! after three and half years .Our friend ship was no less than long distance relationship . We thought that things might change and our friendship will fall frail but nothing of that sort happened our bond grew stronger . We were far apart from each other yet binded by hours of phone calls. Nothing changed between us neither me nor she, but never thought of meeting each other although shared our feelings & memories with each other trapped between two different worlds & Today we met ,prior to this meet we had various thoughts ,some sort of excitement, anxiety & much more which may not be described in words . Nevertheless we are still similar to our old selves .Our personalities were different yet we managed to nourish our friendship . Enjoyed a lot today reminding the old days, looking forward to future, some loopy gossips,untold secrets .
Dear best friend,
With you time is eternal & my heart is filled with happiness.
Hope we meet soon again....

© Anne

#bestfriends #story #instagram #bestiegoals