

Must read for Women
It's a pity that women do not feel pity on themselves. They're stuck deep into one of the biggest ironies of this world. On one hand they are vigorously fighting for their freedom of wearing short, semi-naked clothes and on the other hand, the wretched men, the wolves in sheep's clothing are using the same clause to tear apart the modesty of women to satiate their own ends.

On the contrary, women still think they do not have the freedom to wear short clothes, which is funny, because it's actually the opposite in most cases. Well, ask a woman to go up to a film producer /director or to any product launch events’ manager and demand that she do the whole movie or event without exposing her skin - the reply she would get from these clowns is not even a rejection, but instead a sarcastic laugh, which speaks volumes of the intentions behind.

On roads, buses, malls, newspapers, advertisements, digital media, even worse, on educational billboards, everywhere you'll find women being objectified and sexualised for generating sales, just look around and observe. From a candy bar to a car, everything sells with a naked or semi-naked woman on the poster. She has been dragged to such low standards. If the women think they have a choice in this matter, then they are in for a rude awakening because that ship has sailed. Every inch of her skin is being commercialized by the ravenous corporate beasts while on the other end she is busy protesting her right to wear short clothes. Some women enjoy it, they set the bar so high by their shamelessness that the other struggling women have to suffer the consequences. For hours they are forced to expose their skin and endure the wild and hungry looks of the lecherous men. Even the social media algorithms have been amended to show the nude and sexually appealing content at the top.

If women really claim to protest the freedom to wear anything and not just short clothes, then why don’t we see any protests that have banners or even placards that showcase the protest against exposing their skin? Demanding to run the shows without nudity? Why?

A woman whose conscience is still alive, should ponder on this and really take a stand - it’s about time. Please remember, a drop a second by night fills the bucket.

© The Unsung Wayfarer