

First Love, Chapter 1
Jessica wanted to go visit her parents for a while. She had been living down in Florida for a few years and she was getting home sick. Jessica has a one year old toddler that gets into everything. She wanted her parents to meet their grandchild soon. Her boyfriend, her daughter’s father was just activated for the islands. He is presently serving in the coast guard. He told her to move home so her parents can help her take care of their daughter and he would contact her there. It sounded like a great plan to Jessica, maybe with her parents help she could get a job and earn some additional money. Since they are not married, she is not entitled to any of his money for support while he is over seas, so she depends on her parents and herself for income. He promises to send her money from each check especially since he does not need it while on active duty. Jessica asked me and a friend of hers Christopher to escort her home. She does not feel comfortable driving it herself with a child. I agreed to drive her or at least ride. Christopher said that he would be glad to accompany her as well. I do not know Christopher at all, I have never met him, but he has been a close friend of her family’s for years. She never dated him, Jessica claims that he is just like a brother to her and dating him sound yucky. Under those words I would have to agree with her totally.
Before we get to far I need to pack clothes, but my clothes are at my house about 2 hours away. I am in town to visit my parents and Jessica when she sprang all this new information on me. Christopher lives in the house next door to the house Jessica and her boyfriend are renting. Christopher got her the house as soon as it went on the market. His parents bought it as a rental and let Jessica live in it for little or no rent. Especially after having the baby, Jessica’s parents were really glad that she was living near family friends.
I needed more clothes than what I brought from home, so we took a road trip to a nearby outlet mall to get clothes for me. My parents suggested that we ride with them on their errands then my mom would buy me some clothes. I cannot pass up a deal like that, go on some errands and mom buys me clothes. Perfect set up. Jessica and Christopher wanted to come along to pick up a few things, of course, Jessica brought the baby, Taylor. We all road in my parents van. Jessica and Christopher sat in the back and I sat next to Taylor in the middle, and of course my parents were driving. It seemed like forever, that we were driving around doing errands for my dad. First we stopped at the bank, then an attorneys office, then the post office and finally I sat forward and said, “Let say you drop us off at the mall and we can do our shopping and you can finish your errands?” Dad was not too pleased with that suggestion . I guess he wanted to be the escort all the way, who knows what parents think sometimes. Finally, we finished dads errands and arrived at the mall. I was the first out of the van because I had to go to the bathroom bad. Everyone else followed me slowly from the van. Mom and I started looking at the jeans and dresses and skirts. I prefer skirts because I am hot natured and they seem cooler than shorts and definitely cooler than jeans. I picked out 2 pair of jeans, 4 skirts, and 2 shorts. I think that will be enough for a week trip. I also bought underwear, and bras. You definitely cannot go anywhere with out those necessities. Of course, there was deodorant and tooth brush and tooth paste too.
Jessica, Taylor and Christopher stuck together like glue. I guess you can not blame them. They have been friends since childhood. I hope I do not feel like the third wheel on this trip. Christopher is really nice. He has sandy blonde hair, bright baby blue eyes, fair skin, and is short for the average male. He is one year younger than me. Jessica is two years younger than me. I just hope the three of us do not become two and one. We all piled back into the van for a long drive back to my parents. My parents live across the street from where Jessica is renting, which is next door to Christopher`s house. It was convenient for us all to go shopping together. Jessica and Taylor sat in the back together this time, Taylor was asleep and Jessica did not want to wake her by moving her away from her side. I moved Taylor’s car seat to be next to Jessica. Christopher sat next to me. Actually, he laid across my lap and fell asleep. Under his breath he looked up at me and asked me if I liked him. I was confused, “aren’t you with Jessica?” “No, we are just friends and she is like a sister to me. I spend a lot of time with her, but nothing has ever been romantic.” “I know she has a boyfriend, but you guys hold hands and act like a couple.” “I know we do, it makes her feel more comfortable especially since the baby came, she does not want to feel alone. “ “ I get it”, I replied. “Besides I have been watching you and Jessica all weekend and I think I am crazy about you, only you.”, stated abruptly Christopher. “me, why me?” Christopher went on about my body, my hair, my face and on and on. I had to shut him up before I got sick so I placed my hand across his mouth. He kissed my hand then pulled my neck down to him and gave me a long kiss. “I have wanted to do that for a long time, months probably. Every time I see you visiting Jessica I want to make an excuse to come over to see her so I can see you. “ Needless to say, I was flattered. I did think he was cute, and had the most gorgeous blue sparkling eyes I had ever seen. Maybe a year difference in age is not a big deal and maybe we should try dating, I thought. He sure does not look younger than me, he actually looks the same age or a year older. Maybe dating him will be fun, I would definitely know that I would not be the third wheel that is for sure.
We arrived at my parents house. Jessica had some last minute packing to do to get ready to leave. Christopher sneakily gave me a kiss and told me that he would call me in an hour. I went inside Jessica’s house and helped her with her last minute packing. She had all the boxes set out from when we started packing her last weekend, they just needed filling. Everything does not need to be totally packed up because she will be returning when her boyfriend gets off active duty in a couple of months. We just needed to pack up the things she wanted to take with her. Christopher promised to let her keep the house and that they would not rent it out to anyone else. His parents would keep up the yard, get her mail and make sure it says looking lived in while she is away.
About an hour into packing, my phone rings. Right on the nose, it is Christopher calling. Exactly one hour, what a time keeper. He said that he needs to see me before we go on the trip. I am not sure why, but he sounded half desperate and half scared. I have no idea what is with him. I was happy that he called, so happy that I skipped over to his house. He was waiting at the door for me. He immediately grabbed my hand and led me towards his room. His mom and dad were in the kitchen and living room, respectfully. We entered his room, he shut and locked the door and pushed me down on the bed. He started making out with me like he had not seen me in years. I kissed him right back because it felt good having him holding me and loving on me, like he needed someone real bad.
Christopher slipped off his clothes and I slipped off my underwear. At least I was wearing the correct outfit, skirt, no bra, underwear, and a crop top. I had taken my bra off at Jessica’s after shopping because I was getting hot. Bras tend to bind and they make me feel so claustrophobic and hot. He sat on the bed, standing up ready and willing, I pulled up my skirt and jumped on top. I am not a slut or tease, I do not know about him, and I know we have not known each other but for a few hours, but somehow I felt close to him. It is kind of like two people who need each others touch, feeling, and love, knowing it may not develop into a relationship. It reminds me of a Garth Brooks song about the corn fields, the young boy and the older lady who needs the boys touch because since her husband had died she had not been with anyone. This situation reminds me of that song, except I do not own a corn field and I haven’t been married. But is he a virgin, I do not know. I guess it is possible, he did watch me from a distance for a while and the way he threw me on the bed and kissed me was sort of needy. I must ask him…..soon. I jumped on top of him letting him slip inside of me. The expression on his face was of amazement, surprise, joy, and peace. It might have been his first time. I got up the courage while he was sitting inside me, neither of us moving, we just were kissing, to ask him if I was his first. “Yes, I was saving my first time for you. I have had girlfriend, but I only kissed them. I could not get up the courage to have sex with them because I did not want them to be my first. I fell in love with you even though you did not know that I existed and I wanted you. That is why I called you over here. I was afraid that if I did not show you how I felt before the trip I would never told you. It meant a lot to me to spend this week in your arms even if when we return we go our separate ways. I needed you to know. Are you mad?” “no, I am not mad. I am flattered, and turned on, but not mad. I would love to spend the week in your arms. Should we tell Jessica?” We both decided to keep it to ourselves for the time being. If she found out then we would explain, but otherwise let it be our little inner secret that only we share. Romantic.
I started to move backward, laying back on his lap, like going into a backbend. Then I felt him move inside of me and I jerked upwards to a sitting position. This change in direction pushed him in deeper and deeper. I slipped off my shirt and he grasp my breasts and placed the nipples into his mouth. He looked like a boy in a candy shop for the first time. Immediately he grabbed me by the waist and rolled over on the bed, not losing a beat, he placed my legs on his shoulders. I screamed under my breath as not to let his parents hear me, he was in so deep I could not stand it. He pushed and throbbed and pushed and throbbed. I let out a huge squeal and had a fierce orgasm. He felt the pressure around his penis and smiled then gave a few hard thrusts himself and released. That was amazing for someone who has never had sex before. He sure was saving everything up for me. I am eternally thank full too. He laid down on my chest and started kissing my neck, he whispered in my ear that he has not shown me the best yet. Confused again, I looked at him with a smile. I know it was written all over my face as to my curiosity as to what he meant by that. Quickly he pulled out, to my discouragement. I was not ready for this party to end yet…..neither was he. He reach from out of his dresser with a pair of fuzzy hand cuffs and some jelly. He placed the cuffs on my loosely so I could get out of them if I wanted to. They were only there for the suggestions of bondage. He spread my legs and place some of the cool jelly on my clit.. While he was rubbing it around and blowing on me I started to get real horny. This was a feeling I have not encountered before. Gently he bit my clit sending me into the wind. I jumped with pleasure. He started laughing. Then he entered me and again placed my legs around his neck, the difference being this time he place a clit toy around his penis before he entered and I did not know it was there until he pushed on me. To my amazement, I came more times than I could count on one hand. He just pushed and moved and as he did the toy circled my clit making it jump off the page each time. He had not come before he pulled himself out and removed the toy, by this time I was putty in his arms, I don’t think there is anything else he could do, I sighed and relaxed into the bed and he grabbed my pelvis abruptly and placed his lips around my clit. I gasped for air. He bit and sucked and I came loose in my skin, I came so large that I think he licked it up for minutes at least. He reinserted himself and with a jolt came in one thrust. “I have been waiting for so long to enjoy making you have such a great orgasmic experience as you did. I don’t think I will ever forget my first lover, you.” “ I do not know how to reply. I am amazed that you did that much with no experience. “ “I have so much more planned, with out toys or gadgets for the trip if you will have me.” “Oh dear don’t you worry. I will have you. I don’t think I could let you go if I wanted to . I am so into you. I think I am falling in love with you.. It may be only the awesome sex speaking but I can feel your heart and it is since and full of love for me. “ He kissed me and held me for what seemed for hours. “I truly know how you feel, Christopher, love or not, you have my heart and I love who you are. “ “My lover, my love,” he replied.