

Love of Kavin...
The last chapter🤗: Liya cried and went out from place.She heared a voice that "but i clear in one point liya".She turned back to see.Kavin went near to her and hugged tightly.Kavin said"All this are faith of our life liya,we made for each other,i can't believe this,we both were life partners liya,i know your love is true,you did these things for me and only for me".Liya started to cry and she also hugged him.Kavin said"did you know something ,i saw you on that day liya,on that raining day,a beautiful girl was standing in bus stand with shiver of cold,after i shout ,i saw you but you turned that side by seeing you i missed my watch,i don't know why such feelings happened to me,Vicky don't know these things,after that i not saw you,1 week fully i thinked of you but after that i conviced me and after two years i saw you in my father's phone on that second itself i fall on love with you liya,its all faith".Liya get shocked with happy and she hugged him even more tight.Kavin said"its all coincidence liya,we both are made for each other.".He started to shout that "i love you liya.......i love you to the core.......i love you my love....i love you.".Liya too said that"i too love you kavin.......love you so much".They both were felt into love of happiness.Liya said "sorry kavin hurted you more,sorry".Kavin said"its ok liya ,you do all these things for me,for my love ,i can understand that how much you loving me and also i telled you that i not like if my fav person say sorry." Liya shaked his head with smile and happiness.They both are happy now because they found thier love,true love.He carry her in his hands and they both were fell into love.While they both were loving the distrubance of call is ringed,it is none other that it is vicky.Liya take the phone and kept in loud speaker.Kavin said"yeah tell me my idiot.". Without knowing anything Vicky said"i know kavin ,you are in deep sad ,i heared the news that liya is going to marry,i so sad kavin".Kavin and liya controlled their laugh and kavin said"yeah vicky ,liya is going to marry.".Vicky said "i going to kill the groom kavin,liya is unlucky ,she missed you.".Kavin felt into laugh and said that" how dare you idoit?you have the brave to kill me".Vicky said"yeah what are you saying idoit,i said that i going to kill thr groom only.".Kavin said"yeah my idoit friend ,iam the groom ,me and liya are going to marry ".With shock vicky asked that "what?what are you saying kavin? i not understand".Kavin said"you can't able to understand this my idoit,don't distrub us,bye catch you later",he cut the call.They both were felt into laugh and happiness and they went to their home ,on the way it started to rain this is the symbol of their love.They spend sometime in rain and went to home.All the family members were happy by knowing this news and vicky also happy for his friend because he find his love.They decided that first they going to finish the marriage of ragi and then kavin.The months were went off,day to day the love between kavin and liya was increased.Now it is time for kavin liya marriage,they were get married and they started to live their life with full of love...
Now the story of the kavin is came to an end but the #love of the kavin and liya is not have any end ,it is endless.Their love stay forever...
Happy endings....❤
#love#true#faith#life#nature#dream#lotoflove#friendship#relationship#gameofloveandlife#en #endless