

Food for thought and meditation teaching with Evangelist Thokozani Ndinisa
Word's of wisdom with Evangelist Thokozani Ndinisa

God is faithful to lift those who are humble at heart. Those who choose to allow pride to control their lives, God is willing to humble them. Have you noticed that life somewhere somehow it does humble people with pride? Pride it has made many people to see their downfall in this world, it's few people who can decide to turn away from having pride of life. I am aware that lot's people want to be lifted, but it's few people who are willing to stay humble even when they have achieved lot's things in this world. Humbleness is the best characteristics a person should always have in his or her character at all times! Now I would like to share the following:

Thing's you should do, when God lift you up:

■ Run away from taking God glory upon yourself
■ Run away from people who are making you to exalt yourself more than God
■ Run away from praises of mankind
■ Don't live for the glory of mankind
■ Get rid of pride in your lifestyle
■ Run away from exalting yourself to be seen as better off than other people
■ Don't live to be glorified for your spiritual gift
■ Don't seek to be famous or live for fame while you are the minister of the gospel
■ Never think you have arrived
■ Choose to be humble than to start to develop to have pride of life
■ Make humbleness your daily lifestyle
■ Always give God glory for every he does in your life
■ Never undermine other ministers of God, who cannot operate like you or who don't have the same spiritual gifts you have as an individual
■ Don't compromise the truth because you want to be loved
■ Always stay true to yourself
■ Always live by principles of Christ
■ Put God first in everything you do
■ Always stand for truth at all times
■ Don't sell the truth, no matter what happens
■ Always have positive attitude
■ Always have a strong character which is going to help you to remain true towards your purpose and calling
■ In everything you do always have faith
■ Always trust God in everything you do and depend upon him to see you through in everything you do
■ Always remain faithful and trustworthy to God and his people
■ Be loyal and honest in everything you do
■ Don't fake to become something you are not
■ Never try to copy someone else style or how he or she does thing's
■ Always remain teachable
■ Learn to receive correction and rebuke from wise people
■ Never manipulate God people
■ Never use the pulpit for wrong reasons
■ Don't stop praying in everything you do

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