

The Stages Of Spiritual Changes
Chapter 1
I'm sitting at a cafe that I got invited to this morning by my daughter. This experience is very new to me in the LIGHT...I honestly thank God for once again giving me yet another opportunity to become the right hand of a ready writer that I AM... of the very words that I write. My experience was the process that I was given a choice to enter into the MIND of God translated Moving In New Directions Spiritually. A positive and negative spiritual role that led me to this day April 30th 2023 5:09 p.m. (Today is the day that I have become spiritually healthy once again and responsible to live a lifestyle that is in exchange for the Life I lived spelled backwards devil. 11-25-23 9:58pm) I use drugs and alcohol but those things is but a symptom of what I, as who I am suffer from. I had no idea what was wrong with me and nobody could tell me either. I take that back a person of God Spiritually can help me but the Holy Spirit is my ever present Helper, yours as well. Not even my mom or dad, whom is to blame for giving me birth to this earth in the flesh. Don't get it twisted I admit that I am a sinner and a winner. I fall short of the glory of God and I am one of those ones who have been there done it, 9 times out of 10 good and bad. Like I said my behaviors as well as my thinking patterns was good and bad; lacking the spiritual knowledge that I gained throughout the course of my life, my spiritual college. Yet I will always remain grateful for the history to help solve my mysteries. This history of mine doesn't have to repeat itself. I found a way daily to empower myself as well as others like you to make much better spiritual choices that's beneficial not only to us but those around us as well. This book is designed to help you Move In New Directions Spiritually as I provide you with my experience and how I gained some spiritual powerful tools that I actually needed in order that you too can have a more spiritual healthier life in which you can live. Like I said, I can only help you with the wisdom and knowledge that I gained through my own experiences and spiritual guidance along my journey in this life. Ultimately it all boils down to what you willing to do. You are the one who will have to make and stick to change if you want it. FRFR...
My feelings about Moving In New Directions Spiritually is that I know it will Help Other People Everyday. In every way that caters to you as the person it helps. (In a personal way)...You cannot doubt this new route that's coming about. This book will help you if you're willing to seek and see the truth and the light of it. Let me ask you, are you tired of being lost with no sense of direction to go? Do you in fact want your life back from the old way of being in the life you lived, devil spelled backwards? If so, these are the benefits you stand to gain and access: A Mind worth having and a Life worth living...
Let's focus on the stages of spiritual changes #1 Spiritual Precomtemp lations- This is where the person has not thought about making a spiritual change yet. #2 Spiritual
Contemtion- This is where the person is thinking about it but it's not sure how to proceed spiritually. #3 Spiritual Preparation- This is where the person chooses a spiritual alternative course of action to formulate a spiritual plan. #4 Spiritual Action - This is where the person is spiritually implementing the spiritual plan to change. #5 Spiritual Maintenance - This is where the person is working spiritually to maintain a new spiritual way of life (behaviors as well as thinking patterns)...#6 Termination (Backslide)- This is where the person is no longer Moving In New Directions Spiritually and is not working towards maintaining the new way of a spiritual lifestyle. At any rate I've done them all... This actually not the first copy of this book. What's happening now can't compare to what happened already. When I tell you this spiritual warfare is cunning, baffling and powerful...Means nothing unless you yourself is the one experiencing it, then you will know what I mean. OF COURSE NONE OF US WANT OURSELVES LET ALONE OUR LOVED ONES TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS! YET, WE AS PEOPLE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE IN THIS MATTER. Where do we go from here? What do or can we as a person (PEOPLE) do to fight what we don't see or know? It's as if it's a losing battle yet we can rest assure we are up against it. I only know these things to be true because I'm experiencing these things as all write. It appears as if I want to be mad at you because you did things to hurt me (to whom it may concern) but what about what I did to hurt you? Put yourself in both positions and look at it as Good and Evil, Life and Death, God and satan, Adam and Eve, Man and Woman, etc... There's always going to be 2 sides to every story lifestyles of the Flesh versus the Spirit. The very issue I'm facing is Why do fools fall in love? I felt as if it was a good thing when the month of April 1st came around. After the fact I felt just like the 1st Day of April (a fool that fell in love)... Yet this message belongs in another book that will be titled The month of April... is what lies ahead... Then there is the TRUTH...

Carrying on, Standing looking at yourself in the mirror, what reflection do you see of yourself? Is the life you lived, devil spelled backwards worth you living? Regardless of it all, be thankful. We all fall short of perfect creation. What's really happening is the labor and delivery of the new birth process of being restored back to our rightful beings spiritually. The process is our past, present and our future in death in 3parts; Destroy Evil And The Hypocrite (within yourself), in order to Deliver Every Angel (Apostle) To Heaven or to Descend Every Atheist To Hell. The life we lived devil spelled backwards, I call the sinners pathway to hell. It's a familiar path we currently on and what we do everyday that unfolds right before our eyes. Now that you have knowledge of what's happening around you, (Even if you are blind by eyesight) you still have knowledge of what you do day to day. All kinds of trials, tribulation and temptations come your way in which you have free will to do either or good and or evil. The choices that you have in today, most people are blindsided by and what it will do to you not knowing of it's deadly deceitfulness. Even food can hinder, harm or hurt you. I know what it means first hand: "Man can't eat on bread alone." The value of life is based upon Materialistic things that can't give you life, but has the power to take it. The story of My Life is at any rate the same measures as others. I see how we all as individuals have been given access granted to Move In New Directions Spiritually on this side of life (before death). Daily it's renewed, yet we don't know what to expect or should I say how to manifest a better way. This exactly why it is important that you see your life matters and affects all those around you. As well as they life matter and they affect you as well. Globally even though we're just 1 being individually rather your doing good or bad. Another reason to be on 1 Accord because evil is Every Vessel In Life 1st 1 who has done no wrong through the 1st stone....It would be easy to say come together as a world and accept the truth, problem solved... I OFFER YOU WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT. You will not regret coming in contact with this book, believe it or not , your future depends on it as well as on what you choose to believe, what you choose to do, say and what choose to feel. Your life didn't happen overnight so don't expect that it will now. The purpose is to access a spiritual power greater that just your human power.( A 3rd eye sort of speak)... the Holy Spirit if you will to fight what you been damaged by, rather knowing or not. I can't live your life as you can't mine, yet we can share our story in efforts to gain a better perspective on how to have compassion for others. We still can agree to disagree without prejudice or malice. Who am I to judge, vice versa? I see how Russian Roulette took course in a lot of my yesterday's without my knowledge on it physically and mentally. I know that thinking the same way I used to think and expect a different result is insanity; been there done that. I should know by now that's a lie and there is some truth to a lot of things I've heard but has led me to today which is May 3rd 2023 at 2:53 p.m. a daily reprieve (11-25-23 11:12 pm another reprieve) I can't live on yesterday the past life I lived devil backwards, tomorrow not promised, so today is the day that I'm presently living. I get so many mixed emotions when I start the process of the future. Being born, living and dying is heavy, being honest I cannot tell you exactly how it all works but I know how it is for me. Keep In Mind the goal here is an individual task that teach you to become responsible for oneself. The stages of spiritual change is a daily task that you must have in order to Move In New Direction Spiritually. Learning a new way of a spiritual as well as physical life through the way you now think, feel, what you choose to say and do is essential to your well-being spiritually. It's actually the power given to you that will build you a new life. When a individual is not aware of how to use these powers is where things get hectic. Everything depends on what you do as a person, but it also depends on what we all do together that affects each other, especially those that you are around. You can't let what others do make or break you, you are the maker and taker with what you have to offer. All or nothing should be your attitude just for today (very important to recognize this daily). No matter how you see it, you can only learn from the past and hope better for the future. For Real For Real ask yourself what really makes sense to you? The way I saw things was that I was trapped in a lifestyle that I no longer wanted to be in. Even as of today that battle still exist. Being a part of the world and it's worldly things has its way to take a toll on you. It's taken 49 Years to get to where I'm at. My Mother LaVerne 4th child, My Daddy's 9th child. After being out there in the fast life had me caught up in it's vicious cycle. I can't expect for me to change overnight, I put in a lot of hard work in the process of breaking myself down. In order to build me back up I can expect to do the same; to put in a lot of work just on this side of the fence. Believe me when I tell you I know how strong strongholds can be when you trying on willpower alone. My past caused me to be separated from my children, lost of freedom, I lost respect for myself, a lot of shame and guilt that lead to my fear of failure. Back then I didn't know that the fear of failure kept me bound and I always found myself back on the vicious cycle one form or another. I lost all of my possessions and I was left by myself to deal with all that I did. My health is not the best it could be so what's left for me to do with myself? At this point what are you going to do with you? Moving In New Directions Spiritually helps you to die to the lies and to give back what you feel you need to give back. You must take responsibility of your own life. This can be your first step to becoming free of all that tries to hold you down. You have to believe that it's you however you see yourself good or bad, happy or sad. Every one of us was given life, same measure. It's what you choose to do with yours that matters the most. Everybody's going to die one day, the one thing we all have in common. With that being said, its either you're going to clean up the wreakage or continue to live right through it. You know from within yourself what needs to be removed and or should I say cleaned up. Time to remove the mask and do what you inspire yourself to do. Most of the things that kept you in bondage and enslaved to it was things that you continuously did on a daily basis. Replace what you do today with healthier spiritual things. This will be different for each individual person but you can best believe the process is the same for every one of us. What is it going to take for you to overcome the past as well as of the fear of failure of the future? Are you willing to work towards daily spiritual change? Whatever you choose will be come your win win or you're lose lose. Prepare yourself for the Long haul to battle what you will face as you get closer and closer to what's to come of what lies ahead...

Let's take a look at the person in the mirror; how well do you know that person ( yourself)? How would you truthfully describe you as who you are? It's important to be honest with yourself because this between you and yourself. I admit how I always liked to get things done in the easy way and as quick as possible. That caused a lot of my down falls, heartaches and pains. What are some of your failures that held you down? What are some of your successes that held you other wise up? You played a part in each of the rolls you played in your life daily. It may seem as if I knew better to do better but that wasn't the case for me. I didn't realize that because I was too busy living as I used to live. Spiritually tuned out yet it's truly what taught me to see the errors of my wrongdoings and prepared me for even the spiritual work I still have ahead of me. You personally want to keep in mind the spiritual work ahead of you that's a work in progress. You're definitely in the process and this is not a one-time event. In the past, I'm sure you did what you had to do to live. Same way to live a spiritual way of life, you have to do what you got to do and not look at the hurts and pains of rebirthing or should I say resurrecting your true reflection. This why I so encourage you to continue with spiritual changes. Don't set yourself up thinking that everything going to be perfect now. Either you're going to commit to spiritual change or you're not. You can't fight the battle on your own, if you could of you would of period, you need the help of others. Yes it's going to always be people that don't want to see you spiritually change but learn to love those ones from a distance. When people not happy for you when you're doing good it's only because it causes them to take a look at they self and at their situation. Remember to that in this world we're dealing with spiritual sick people.
Think of the better opportunities and challenges ahead of you. #1 is actually seeking out the people, places and things that will help you gain more wiser spiritual choices . In other words if you want the story of your life to result in a successful spiritual way I suggest you not being afraid to ask for help because the facts is that you are going to need all the help you get. #2 Find you a spiritual circle or support group to become a part of and accountable for your actions. #3 Look for Spiritually Mentors, people that you can call and or look up off the Internet or TV. You want to network your mind together with other people's perceptions that's on the same spiritual path. This gives you a better way to formulate thinking patterns that works for you. You are different in the way you process what's going on around you and how you might or might not feel about a certain situation, people places or things. Regardless of whatever, you want to truly give yourself full cooperation as well as willingness to participate by taking your life seriously and not for granted. Pay attention to what you're thinking, what you're saying, what you're feeling and what you're doing. Question yourself whether or not you should do this or that and weigh out your pros and cons. You also want to take consideration of others well-beings. This way you maintain a level of respect to yourself as well as other people in this world that you are around. Truth be told everybody needs somebody so it's okay for you to give it your all. Instant gratification can be a hindrance to you if that's what you're looking for. It's still going to take what it takes for you personally speaking to build your life back in spiritual growth. I'll tell you once again it was how I thought, felt, what I use to say and do that kept me in bondage. My thinking, feelings, saying and doings is what made me believe I could get away with something. You should know already that you can't afford to be the way you used to be. Not if you expecting any kind of change spiritually. I used to tell myself the most deadliest lies, I actually went so far into denial that I believe them. I don't know how I reached the point of hopelessness spiritually sick person that I had become. Within me I knew I needed help,; I tried hundreds of times to do it on my own I just didn't take seriously the suggestions or advice that was given to me. Of course I ended back the same old way and sometimes even worse. Today I know and understand a lot more because of all I've endured, good and bad.... Life and Death came to me when I had my 1st born and 5 months later the Death of my sister. (Life and Death go together) ...2 years later I started using crack cocaine at the age of 19. This when my eyes started opening up to the truth. I found myself trapped, yet I still didn't see it in the spiritual light. My understanding then was little to nothing, I had no mentors, people to look up to, spiritual advisors, hell I hadn't even heard of AA yet. My Mother Rest In Peace really sheltered us as her children trying her best to protect us from the world around us. I use to think that people who had money had it made. Today I know that's not necessarily the case. I was under false impressions that I didn't need help because I always heard my mom say there was nothing wrong with me, when people would say something about me or my behavior as a child. Speaking of behaviors I remember doing things that no kid should even think to do but I was doing them at random. Even if I was to want help I didn't know who to turn to. I was afraid of rejection or how you may look at me cause now you see I'm not perfect. One of my many flaws that kept me in dooms way. I'm sure you know that thinking the wrong perception of the truth can keep a person in defeat on a first name basis lol. What are some of the thinking patterns that you used to have that put you in denial? defeat on 1st name basis?or even in destructive pathways? I can tell you of some of the spiritual things that help me to specially be able to overcome the life I lived devil backwards 1 is to do this thing one day at a time 2 to be honest, willing and to have an open mind 3 except constructive criticism 4 really take care of yourself by taking action 5 staying humble 6 staying in the mind frame of the greater good of all 7 stay motivated, dedicated and determine to spiritual change 8 learn from your mistakes 9 stay in the mind frame of being positive 10 WELCOME A WINNING SPIRIT. By doing these things will help you be able to endure the ways of the spiritual sick world you live in. Just because something don't sound like something you would want to do, don't be so quick to shut it down. It can come inform of a difficult person that you just don't want to be around, let alone be this person. Trust me you're not the only person who has been through what you have been through or even that you will go through. Another thing I want to make mention of is holding grudges. It's something spiritually that will keep you from humbling yourself on a daily basis. How do you tend to get in the spirit of humbleness holding grudges? This also helps to keep you in darkness where you can't see spiritually. You want to see the truth for yourself so let me ask you how well are you able to deal with the truth? How do you deal with certain situations that arise at unexpected times? Suggestion to you would be to just know in your heart that if you don't want it done to you, you shouldn't be doing it.
( no exceptions to this). This is life and death that you're dealing with, you can't have one without the other. I see them as lovers just like Adam and Eve or Romeo and Juliet (laugh out loud). It's crazy because I have to write rather rewrite everything that I dedicated my time to already do yet here I am writing in the wee hours, it's actually June 7th 2023 and it's 1:57 a.m.(11-26-23 12:30 am) The way I see it is why waste time wasting time.?
Again reflect back on what you've already read, how do you see where your thinking as well as your behavior patterns have grown or where they need improvement? You want to fight the battle according to what you now have come to believe. I'll say this again it's up to you to see how important it is for you to do this on a daily basis. This way you daily aware of what's happening around you and be of help working towards the greater good for all lives that matter. Remember your spiritual living depends upon your spiritual maintenance each day. Trust me you do not want to slip so far back that you want to give up or feel like a failure. I felt like I was in kindergarten again and that I needed baby food all over. I mentioned this to you because it actually held me back a lot because of my outer image, which almost took me out on several occasions. What kept me alive was the process of learning to deal with the life I have been given in a spiritual way that I can understand for myself. How can the story of your life be helpful to you as well as to others? Everything depends on how you perceive things to be to you that as well as what you choose to say, do and feel as we've discussed. You can't allow what others do control what you do therefore giving your responsibility and or power over to that person, place or thing. Keep In Mind how important it is to start each day off in the right direction. Become accustomed to daily reflections. If you haven't already you need to get over the fact that not you or me or anybody else for that matters can do anything about what already happened. Tomorrow has yet to come so this is why we stay focused on today. What are you doing today and are you doing what needs to be done? If at any time you see yourself back sliding or drifting back into the life you lived remind yourself of the present day which you are still among the living. You're always going to remain a work in progress, with that being said I see no reason not to end this chapter. Before I do, how was chapter 1 helpful to you personally speaking? or not..?
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie