

2o. Meeting the whole Demon family
Mia's P.O.V

It's been a week since I found out I was actually a virgin and Dominic was lying. Dimitri and William went back to the doctors office and the doctor said he didn't know anything about that day and he doesn't even have a wife he's actually gay and he also doesn't know anything about a Dr.Xinn.

Everyone had come to the conclusion that Dominic planned all of this. I hate Dominic for putting me through all of this but he had his reasons. I asked Dimitri why he did what he did to Dominic but he just got all silent everytime I asked and he ignored the question every time.

Lately Dimitri and I would have so much sex it's amazing everytime I swear I love him so much but he's hiding things from me I know he did something terrible to Dominic I know he took his girlfriend away from him and married her and got her pregnanat three times but I have a feeling it's more to that and every time I asked him what else did he do to Dominic he ignores me.

Today I would be visiting Dimitri and his whole family would be there with his other brothers and his father. I'm scared and both excited to know what his family is like.

I am currently getting ready he told me to dress like how I normally but I want to make a good impression so I took out a yellow off shoulder dress with a flower print design and a pair of light brown sandals I use gel to curl my hair an let them lose I know my hair is super long and thick and it hides the whole back of my dress but I like to wear it down so that's what I'll do.

After getting ready I teleported to Dimitri's house. I was now in Dimitri's room. He's getting dressed damn he's so sexy his back is covered in tattoos and his body is so sexy I want him to take me right here right now.

"Dimitri what is your family like I already met Flynn, Elizabeth, Donte,Devin,Daemon and Dominic"

"They are fine but my father is a handful just like Dominic and don't ever talk about Dominic. He doesn't deserve his name coming from your beautiful mouth princess" he said with a serious expression.

He then walked over to where I was and he picked me up and kissed my lips with passion and lust. I let out a moan and he kissed me deeper.

He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes, his eyes were red, he was already getting in his demon form.

"Princess when you moan like that you make me want to fuck that tight little pussy of yours"

"Oh stop Dimitri and finish getting dressed" I said with a big smile.

"Don't tell me what to do princess" he said with a small grin.

He finished getting dressed and he lead me to his dinning room his whole family was there it is so fucking scary I swear all of them are beautiful even his father.

"Family, this is Princess Mianea Resinova," Dimitri said to his family.

"Can't the girl speak for herself" said his father. At least I assume that this one is his father.

"Yes she can father," said Dimitri in an annoyed tone.

"Well ok let her speak for herself then" he said calmly he had a calming voice.

"Girl, how old are you?" he asked. I find him disrespectful. He knows my name yet he still insists on calling me girl so maybe he's testing me I'll just ignore it.

"A lady never reveals Her age and my name is Mianea"

"Mianea my name is Levin it's a pleasure to meet you" he said with a smile but I know it's not genuine.

"Well children, introduce yourselfs" he told the rest of them.

"Hi princess, I'm Evin, the second youngest son and also the best looking. If you're looking for a replacement for that ugly brother of mine feel free to call me princess" he said in a seductive way.

He is handsome, he has platinum blonde hair and beautiful eyes, one gray and one blue. He's also very tall and his body is perfectly built. He would drive any woman crazy and he knows that but he's still no match for my Dimitri.

The one sitting next to him had his head on the table the whole time he looked up at me.

"Luca" that's all he said before resting his head back on the table he's weird I like it I must get to know this one he's the only one with red hair and green eyes he's slim but his body still looks built I can tell because he's wearing a black tank top he's actually wearing all back his beautiful red curly hair covers most of his eyes you can hardly make out his beautiful green eyes I can't tell if he's tall are not because he didn't stand but from the length of his feet I guess he is.

The other brother stood up and walked to where I was standing. He ushered for my hand and I gave it to him. He kissed it.

"Princess Mianea my name is Benjamin I'm the third youngest sorry for my brother Luca he's not much of a talker he's the second youngest if you must know it's a great pleasure to finally meet you Princess" he said with a very big smile I can tell it was from the heart I like this one he's a sweetheart.

He's handsome with black hair, light gray eyes that almost look white he's super nice. He's a total sweetheart. He's also super tall. He's taller than Dimitri and Dimitri is almost 7 feet tall.

He went back to his seat and then the next brother stood and he kept his head facing the ground, his long dark brown hair covering his face.

"Princess I'm Ezra the fourth youngest" he said softly. He has a soft deep gentle voice, he's also handsome and he has very beautiful light blue eyes. I remember seeing them earlier but I can see he's not much of a talker, something he and Luca have in common.

"Princess I must apologize for my two stupid sons Ezra and Luca they both are a bit stupid I hope you understand that" said Levin

"No need to apologize they are just shy I understand that not everyone gets along with people well"

"well aren't you and understanding one"

I went and sat at the table. I sat between Luca and Ezra. Luca didn't raise his head from the table when I took a seat but Ezra gave me a shy smile then looked away.

I swear sometimes I forget these two are powerful demons the way they behave.

"So Luca you're just going to keep your head on the table all the time?" I asked

"Yes," he replied.

"How are you are you ok" I asked

"Yes," he replied.

Ok I have come to the realization that I would only get one word answers from him.

"What do you like to eat, Luca?" I don't know but I just want to get to know him. He seems cool I like him I would like to be friends with him

"Ice cream and chocolate, anything sweet I guess," he said, still with his head on the table.

"So do you like cookies?" I asked.

"Yes, I like cookies Mianea," he said.

"Me to I also like baking them" I told him truthfully

He raised his head and looked at me with an expressionless face.

"Are you good at baking cookies?" He asked.

"Well I guess so" I said

"Her cookies are amazing," said Elizabeth.

I looked at her and smiled. Luca gave me a small smile before resting his head back on the table.

"Mia, I would like to try your cookies," he said and that was the end of our conversation.

I got to know the rest of the brothers and I must say I love them all. I found out. Evin is super funny, Benjamin is a total sweetheart, Luca loves sweets and Ezra loves nature.

We were all laughing and having fun. Most of us Luca only raises his head from the table when he wants to eat. But I must say it's fun being here with them.

Everything was going perfect until Dominic showed up at the table.

"A family reunion without me I'm hurt" he said while mocking a sad face.

Everyone at the table except Luca turned to him.

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