

This is not my story I just want to make that clear. It's a story told at the beginning of a convention but I'm not sure which one. Again this is not my story but I thought it was interesting and decided to share.

A man randomly appears from the darkness, carrying a baby girl.

He leaves the baby girl at an orphanage without any knowledge on who is she, and who is her parents.

The nuns at the orphanage have no idea who she is. They name her Jane.

Jane grows up at the orphanage and keeps wondering - Who is my mother? Who is my father? She could never find out.

When Jane turns 17, she meets a great guy. They start dating, but it wasn’t meant to be.

They fight. They quarrel. One day, she finds out that her boyfriend left her and she’s pregnant with his baby.

Nine months later she is rushed into the hospital and delivers a beautiful baby girl.

But somebody that night breaks into the hospital kidnaps her newborn baby. In the morning, the doctors find Jane bleeding rapidly and is dying.

They have to perform an emergency experimental operation on her and change her gender.

They change Jane into Jim.

When Jim wakes up, he gets told the bad news about how his baby girl was kidnapped and that he’s not even Jane anymore.

Jim spends the rest of his life as an alcoholic. He gets drunk numerous times and gets into bar fights. He still has no idea who is parents are.

One day, he becomes drunk again. Someone asks him “Who are you Jim? Who is your mother? Who is your father?”

Jim doesn’t know. He gets angry and gets into a bar fight with that person.

The bartender wakes him up. He tells Jim that he’s a time traveler and wants to help him.

The bartender takes Jim to his time traveling machine to go back in the past and find out who are Jim’s parents.

He goes back several years in the past to find out who Jim’s parents are. Jim arrives in the past world but doesn’t know what year he’s in.

He also could never find out who is parents were. Not knowing what to do, he suddenly meets a beautiful 17-year old girl and falls for her.

But, it wasn’t meant to be. They fight. They quarrel. Jim then finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant.

Jim tells himself - this happened to me! But this time, he makes a promise to himself that he would make sure his baby girl gets the best education.

On the night of his baby girl’s birth, he breaks into the hospital and kidnaps his own precious baby girl.

Jim, along with his baby girl, again travels into the past. He travels way, way back until it is 1945.

It’s a dark and stormy night. Jim appears from the darkness carrying his beautiful baby girl. He drops her off at an orphanage.

The nuns at the orphanage have no idea who she is. They name her Jane.

Jane grows up wondering. Who is her mother? Who is her father?

Now, Jim gets it all together. He becomes a time traveler. He has numerous adventures.

Jim is now old. He now wants to live a simple life. He goes back in time and becomes a bartender. He stops time traveling.

One day, a bar fight takes place. A certain guy is knocked out unconscious.

The bartender finds out the fight happened because someone asked the guy - Who are you? Who is your mother? Who is your father?

Jim wants to help the guy. He wakes him up, tells him that he wants to help him and gives him his time machine.

The guy takes Jim’s time machine and is never seen again at the bar.

The End.