

I may not have the attractive look and I have never been the mascot of fairy tales; Ah! but yes I do have a special place in one of the famous fables where I was the source of perseverance for a King who lost his kingdom and had ran away from the battlefield.

So you see! I may not have a sweet and candy crush look and feeling but I do owe a strong message of survival. My own life also begins with a weird story of survival where either I am left to die of hunger by my mother or she herself is devoured by numerous children who step in the world, all hungry and violent.

I do not possess any guilt for what am I and how I am. It is just that I felt I have been forgotten for really long time and no creative person has ever got attracted towards to me.

I am busy in my daily struggle of survival where while looking, waiting for my prey I become somebodies prey! But we can't help out; that's life!! Unless it doesn't end how will it begin?

So ... being trapped in the vicious circle of life and having an unsaid yearning of being remembered in some prose or poetry my life was going on... well I would use the word 'smooth' to adjectify it when suddenly my mind received a tellypathic message from an extreme corner of this world.

A girl, no a woman!! no no let me present her as a lady with a vision, understanding and of course creativity. She had some sort of Eureka. Let me tell you all the irony of eureka moment. You can never experience and create a Eureka of your own unless you haven't been through the situations which aren't welcoming at all, such incidents for which you had put forth your best efforts so that it couldn't happen!!!

And even then like the 'Choosen One' every avoidable situation, unwanted incidents happen with you and you being the flag bearer of optimism march ahead fighting with the spirit of keeping yourself alive and lively.

This is exactly the lady who tellpathic message jingled my heart was being through and then it was only Me who had the real worth to expand her imagination and shape it up in the form of story.

The Spider who doomed himself!

Had it been an abandoned house or a haunted place then most probably this incident would have been so important for others. But what happened amidst the greenery of terrace garden of Amy was not rare in nature's perspective but left the most rare imprint in Amy's mind.

Her terrace was full of seasonal flowers, plant and those trees too which happily used to grow in giant pots. Leaves of variety of green, branches of varied browns, moss on the outer layer of earthen and cemented pots. The terrace was perfect example of a beautiful woodland where an insect like me could easily hide himself.

The terrace garden was the perfect place for the birds to come and perch. So, all good in the life of ecosystem was until I managed to survive in the terrace garden of Amy. This garden was my whole world and I, being the tiniest, was awestruck with the vastness and enormosity of the garden.

I was scared, unconfident and terrified. I had no home, no corner to keep myself hidden from the outer world. While searching for one such corner I came across another bitter of fact life. The only problem was not to keep myself safe but also to feed myself as I had started feeling hungry!!!

Hunger of one creature is the reason of death of another. This is law of nature and so was it implemented in the terrace garden too. I become very clear about it when I saw a bird eating the earthworm who had his happy life in the soil of a vast pot.

So, now my task was to identify a safe corner where my cobwebs cannot be identified by Amy but at the same time has the ability to attract and entrap the insects for me. Since my birth the first thing which had pleased me was the place which I found for my cobweb.

Amy had a serious of bamboo tree amidst whom the creeper plants like money plant had spread themselves to contribute to the feel of perfect greenery. For me this spot was great to showcase my unique skill of creation; that is, my cobweb.

Now life was getting settled and had formed a meaning too. My cobwed was sleek, strong and visibly invisible. Hence almost at the gap a few day prey used to get entrapped, and I was having a comfortable, well-fed and an extremely peaceful life.

'Life is a struggle of survival and making our own mark'; such lessons were a mockery for me. My life was the epitome of perfection, or atleast this is what I believed.

I enjoyed my hidden presence amidst and bamboos and money plants. My preys were perfectly targetted by me as soon as they used to get trapped.

But then one day I noticed one chameleon in Amy's garden and witnessed her struggle and fight with her preys to capture them. My perfect life of pleasure seemed boring and monotonous to me.

But I had an extremely sharp mind since my birth, so definitely I had a full proof plan in mind for the adventure with my prey. Very soon one housefly was trapped in my cobweb... and that's the moment for which I was waiting for more thn three days.

The meek, amiable and weak fly was scared to death which I successfully intensified by bringing tremors in my cobweb. I started shaking my web up and down in such speed that now that fly was less frightened of me and more of the tremors created by me.

I was the most joyous point, my creativity was reaching its prime. The shake of cobwebs created oceanic waves!!

The fear of tremors which has created the fear of getting broken into pieces in the heart of the fly now with giant cobwebbian waves brought the fear of getting drowned.

I was performing like a Mozart of tremoric waves. My joy was shooting out. I was surfing on fathoms high of joy and laughter...

My cobweb proved its strength and we both were rising higher and higher as the strongest ever existed creation. The fly was screaming with all her energy and fear and how could the meaning a tiny-miny fly soar up when, Me, the mightiest among the tiniest creatures is at the high of achievement.

Blow, blow, blow
High and low
High and low
And Lo!!!!

The cobweb broke, fly flew!
I sank and sank,
Till was I on the cover of water tank.

Amy has to draw water to water,
What else could be the matter.

One giant hit of her mug,
And instant grave of mine was dug.

When the life puts you in authority for others, don't act as sadist.

If someone's situation lets you to be in certain power use that power upto a certain limit...

Because of every best thing End is Indispensable!!.

(This was the moment when my soul flying away from my body heard the voice from another corner of the world and decided to reply this lady!)