

Humans- The new endangered
How many of us have helped a stranger to cross a road, to carry his loads, to make way for his vehicle to be parked, to offer your own seat in a public bus, provide monetary assistance with no expectations of returns, to comfort an unknown witnessing them sitting alone in a park shadowed in grim and despair, to trust them to take care of your belongings while you get back to fetch the forgotten keys from the store.

The honest answer to this is 'some' but not 'a lot' and this is what moulds me to thinking that are we steadily moving into a world of callousness, scepticism, distrust and fear??

In the world today with slogans of #AnimalLife, #StopAnimalInjustice, #PreserveTheBirdHeritage, #SaveTheForests it is important to realize that a species up the rung is also under great threat. Living forms of all categories need to be taken care by the homo sapiens not undermining their own existence. More than being sensitive towards the environmental components it is vital for one person to show compassion, affection, protection and empathy to other. The revolution of a man respecting another man if not prior, should atleast happen alongside other uprising movements.

Its time for us to acknowledge and accept the beauty of human life, to come out of our own shells and think in a holistic manner, to really absorb the fact of being a social animal, to not only praise our own but also to admire the charm in existence of others.

We need to look at others with love, care, belief, confidence and support. Not just grasping the positives we also need to work on obliterating the negatives. Deceit, treachery, sordid, malicious are a few terms that should be mitigated from our society so that a connection based on raw organic care for each other can be established.

It is that moment for us to realize that unitedly we can give birth to a system that is based on positivity and growth of all, disseminating euphoric vibes everywhere. An ecstatic association of people might be a utopia but with collaboration we can pave way for a world quite close to it.

It seems inane to have an ecosystem of lush green forests, inundated gushing rivers, blooming flowers , tweeting birds, crawling miniscule creatures all creating a melifluous symphony and on the other hand we have humans butchering each other under the name of pride, money, power, ego and materialistic assests.

LIFE undoubtedly has to be taken care of but with humans , being the most intelligent masterpiece it has to be made worth living. This can happen only when we cooperate with each other before it gets too late and HUMANITY from endangered converts into EXTINCT!!