

The lost hybrid princess part:11
jimin-*whisper* hey y/n!
jm whispered to me from my behind..
y/n- What?
jimin- nothing just wanted to call you *smile*
y/n- yah don't mess around pabo..
jimin- sorry..
j-hope- he's always like that..
suddenly I felt something wet on my inner thigh..
I looked down and saw a small blood stain..
y/n in mind* Oh no not now.. this fucking period has to come now! damn it..how should I leave I must have stain on my back too..
I started panicking..
V- hey are you ok?
y/n- y-yeah..
j-hope- is something wrong?
y/n- uh no...
I put my head down thinking a way..
I was not even wearing a jacket or something to cover me..
I whipered to yeji to ask her for a pad..
y/n- yej! YEJ!!
yeji- yeah?
y/n- um..do you have a... umm..
yeji- wha- oh..no..I don't have it right now! why? oh don't tell me you got it just now..
y/n- I did..
the teacher left after bowing while I started packing my back as slowly as I could ti not go with boys or they will see my stain..
jimin- yah pack your stuff fast... don't you wanna go home?
(my sisters and others were in another class and we were gonna meat outside..)
y/n- uh..I-Ill come after some time..
yeji- me too..we have to go somewhere..
j-hope- take us with you!
y/n- no I-I can't.. wait for us out..
they nodded and just stand near us.. while starring at us..I was waiting for them to go out so that I could stand up and can go to washroom while hiding my stain with my bag..
yeji- you guys want something?
V- no..
y/n- t-then go?
V- fine..if you want anything just call us ok?
jimin- ah it's hot.. here take my jacket and bring it out..
he throwed his jacket on my lap and they all went out..
Jimin pov~
We were packing our stuff and we kept on insisting y/n and yeji to come with us or take us with them cuz they said they wanted to go for some work..
then I smelled some blood..my eyes shined red and I started following the trail and smell of it and jusy then my gaze fell on y/n's legs..I looked carefully but didn't found any..then it clicked me that she just got her period that's why she is not even standing..it must have stained.. then I ended the conversation to not make her uncomfortable and gave her my jacket to protect herself..
jimin- ah it's hot.. here take my jacket and bring it out..
we all left from there and I told others that she got her period as they were asking where she was and they would've known sooner or later as they are vamps too..
y/n pov~
jimin gave me his jacket..and it actually helped me... not really cuz I hesitated to wore it on my waist that if it got stained.. like what will he think of me..
yeji- yah wear it! it's normal he will not say anything..
I kept on saying her no but in end yeji made me wear it while holding it a little up so that couldn't have stained...we asked some girls for a pad and luckily one of them had an extra and lend me..
I ran to washroom and changed it as fast I could've..
phew..god saved me this time.. hehe..
we all got out...and I told my sisters about it..
after that boys came to our home for a night stay as we had a movie night..
Tine skip after movie~
only me and jimin were awake right now.. all of the members were sleeping tightly..
they all were tucked up in blankets while food spilling on the table..
I turned the Large t.v. screen off and looked at jimin to see him staring deep in my eyes..
his eyes were shining white in the dark..
the moonlight falling from the window on his face was enough to make me to check his features clearly...then I realized I was starring at him fir so long which made me nervous and blush a little..
without me noticing..he got so close to mee..
his face was just inches away when someone kicked my back making me fall on jimin while we both falled on the ground making a loud thump but no one even gave a budge..
I was beneath him trapped between his strong arms..
our noses were slightly touching..
my breath hitched as I felt a cold hand on my waist slightly tickling my lower waist..My whole stomach got filled with world's most flying and ticking butterflies...we started having a eye contact while I got lost in him..
just then he broke the eye contact..
jimin- s-sorry..
he get off me and helped me get up.
I took his hand and stand up..I looked back and saw jisoo Unnie's leg on my place where I was sitting while she was still sleeping..
I looked down and muttered a thank you..
Jimin- do you want to go to the garden?
y/n- sure..
we both got to garden and it was pure awkward silence..I thought to break it by asking..
y/n- um.. can I ask something?
jimin- sure..
y/n- don't mind me but how did you end up being a vampire?
jimin- uh.. are you sure you wanna know?
y/n- hmm..if you are comfortable then..
jimin- ok..
we both walked to the bench and sat down as he srarted..
jimin- it's a long story but Ill tell you in a short form and umm... it's a... little awkward....and weird..
I put my hand on his and smiled assuring him..
he smiled back and stated..
jimin- so...I had a car accident when I was 11 ...
my parents were dead in it while I was found by a old uncle who took me and my family to hospital ao save our lives..
unluckily doctors couldn't save my parents but me..
When I woke up..I actually forgot more than half of my memories..as I was hit on my head with my dash board and the glass..
the only thing I knew was my name..
the doctor and that old man told me everything what happened and For some reason I didn't felt sad or angry at all.. like I mean how will you feel emotions for the persons who you forgot... whos you don't even remeber face of..
that old man helped me living and all..
it had been 2 months I was living with him but one day..
We both were out for some buisness meeting of the old man..
Then a girl actually his ex or a gold digger came..
she tried to take his money and property by showing fake papers and sign of him on his company documents..
I became so angry as after my parents dead he was my everything..
That night my unvke got drunk because of stress and slept early..
I felt so much angry..
I googled to hack location and hacked that womens location..
I didn't knew that day what came over me that I got to her location and...
I didn't knew what happened to me that day..
I tasted her blood and it tasted delicious..
After that I passed out at her house and was found in a forest..
I was lying all clean...
I didnt knew how I got there..
I got back to my house and surprisingly it was not that far..
after that incident I started feeling to have blood of humans or animals or whatever living thing I saw..
I started becoming mad for them..
whenever I saw someone's exposed skin like neck,legs,hands or any body part..I started to have urge of biting..
I thought I was sick so I started taking check-ups but nothing came out.. then after some time when my hunger started going out of control..I used my strength everyday and started killing animals.. and in end it was cleared that after that day ...human food became just a source of showing people that I'm normal and nothing else.. the only thing I needed was blood and flesh and all..I always thought that this all was because of that car accident..but I can't find it now.. Then I realized that I was a vampire now which I kind of liked because I had powers and could live as much as I want..but to be honest I reallly wanted to live a normal human life..
Y/n- um..who was that old man who helped you?
jimin- his name is Mr. Chang Gong..
he is very sweet and is right now living is U.S..
I came here for further studies but because of uncle's some buisness here he said me to take care of it..
So Im living here..
I nodded with a 'o' face and yawned..
jimin chucked and we both got to my room..
I layed down on my bed with jimin beside me lying..
he was facing me and
I actually Slept just in 5 second as I was so sleepy..


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