

Our Future
Humanity. It's a huge natural organisation. It's free and beautiful, and knows no bounds. We, however normal, are a wonder ourselves! But there are bricks tied to humanity's social progress...fear and oppression, intolerance and gnarled twisted hatred...

What humanity is compared to what it can become is disappointingly far apart...where once we had the power to revolt against the Government's unjust orders, orders to make it their business who we are, what our sexual preference is, what our opinions are, we now have the facade of right to rule, sensors and security systems to prevent us from having the same rights as our "superiors". What are they afraid of? What are they hiding from us? What would be so terrible about furthering human progress and social equality that makes them need to take over our individuality?

It's because they know they are nothing without their people, and that if we truly wanted to, if given a good reason, we could eradicate their power with one swift stroke...

The future of human kind is being held back because of our leaders, with their selfish corruption and their lust for total control! If you believe as I know, if you seek to further our understanding of one another, then stand beside me, and together we can show the world what Anarchism is capable of! True Democracy, true Freedom!
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