

I once sat upon a cushion and stared at the golden fish in my aquarium. It was moving from one end of the aquarium to the other, tossing to and from with it's tail wagging along at such magnificent dimension.

I could see it's beautiful coloured scales glittering as the movement progresses. Suddenly, the Tilapia that was cooling off around the corner quickly got offended and gave the golden fish a chase; and within seconds, the golden fish got trapped and soon started floating. The fish became lifeless.

The Morning glory flower in the same way comes out beautifully dressed by the Almighty God in the early hours of the morning. Before you could say Jack Robinson, the early morning scourging Sun which usually comes with it's heat propensity has exercise it's strength on it, causing it to wither. And again I asked myself, 'where is the glory of the morning glory'.

I have sat alone to quietly examine and understand Nature and the essence of Man's creation upon the Earth; and all I could get was more confusion. I then came to the reality and concur with the Teacher, David's Son and King of Jerusalem that everything upon this Earth is meaningless - Eccl. 1:2

This Preacher and the most richest King in his time (king Solomon), further went ahead to state thus:

"I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, not does food comes to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come:
As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them." -
Eccl. 9:11-12 (NIV Devotional Bible)

The aforeseen quoted text has shown us that whatever it is that we are craving to acquire or have acquired is not by our own making. In the same vain, it has also taught us that we have no permanent or sole control over our acquisitions; if it is so, then where is the joy, happiness or braging on same?

Hear this again by the same Teacher:

"There is an evil I have seen under the sun, the sort of error that arises from a ruler:
Fools are put in many high positions, while the rich occupy the low ones.
I have seen slaves on horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves" -
Eccl. 10:5-7 (NIV devotional Bible)

Having understood this statement, you should know by now that 'it is no more the way you make your bed that you lay on it'; no, event has overtaken these saying.

I for one have learnt from experience that wealth do develop wings and they fly away.

Let's take into cognizance this particular man who spent his life savings to acquire a mansion with all the state of the art facilities: then a particular day came with an unexpected natural disaster which wiped and swept the whole property away. The man slumps and was rushed to the hospital. The aftermath of this shock was paralysis/partial stroke. He later gave up the ghost. That scenario ended the man's career and sojourn on earth.

What else can we say? Many of us have not come to the reality that whatever it is that we have acquired is not fully ours until you begin to engage or put them into use. You do not have permanent claim or full control of the money you have in your bank account. Ask me why?

The only money you are in control of, is the one you withdrew and have engaged it in purchasing or solving your immediate need. In other words, the food you consume into your stomach and bills you were able to settle are the legitimate wealth you own. If that man slumps suddenly, the fat bank account and the property he own somewhere are no more his. The people who don't even know the source of those wealth will come from no where, to sit and feed on it; life is really a mirage!

Coming back home to the basis, it should be clear to us and very obvious that 'WAGGING TREASURES BRINGS NO TRUE HAPPINESS'. what you have now may not be your own tomorrow. The mighty do fall and some actually fall beyond redemption.

Let it now be known that wealth acquired does not bring true joy or happiness. If you're satisfied with the little you have presently and give thanks to the Almighty God for it, who knows what tomorrow brings? God may in turn surprise you with something greater.

We should always appreciate God no matter how small. Always remain content with what you have. Don't envy others; appreciate and encourage yourself; doing so will boost your morals and your body system will create vibrant cells. Even if you're drinking ordinary water, you will look radiant than the man that spent millions a day but had no peace. Like one musician said "Peace of mind is what everybody needs."

In conclusion, I stay bold to say that joy and happiness does not come from acquired wealth. You're your own happiness, and it is by choice. So choose to be happy or sad. Remember, there are people out there who have what it takes, I mean the resources to get whatever they so desire; yet, they can't buy joy and happiness.


Please awake from your bordomness; jump up and cheer up. What you don't know is that, that man swimming in millions over there is sseeking to have that unspeakable joy you possessed.

You might not have known the potentials you possessed. Appreciate yourself first and God; then you will see clearly what God has in stock for you.

Remain encouraged and blessed.


© charleswhowha