

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.
I swore underneath my breath. Where was I? How did I get here?
I looked around the room. The grotesque orange walls, littered with black and white photos, battled lime green furniture and white carpet. The the white patch I stood on was stained with red.
The smell of old blood and hot spices burned in my nostrils.
The sense of being watched made my skin crawl. I turned around sharply, glimpsing a void shadow disappear into a wall.
"Who's there?" I shouted. When nothing responded, I held the bloodied knife in front of me.
A figure wavered just out my sight line, to the left and behind me.
"Show yourself." I growled. "It's just you and me."
Slowly, a figure gained form inside a darkened hallway.
I tensed and thrust my knife in its direction.
The figure was tall, more than seven feet. I would have called it black, but it was void, like it was sucking all the nearby light into it, like someone had Photoshoped a black hole into the form of a human. I could not tell if it was male or female. It seemed to watch me from the shadows, but it had no eyes.
"Alright then." I gripped the handle of my knife harder. "Where am I? Who are you? What are you doing here?"
The creature gave no response.
I waved the knife in its direction.
"Tell me!" I shouted.
"Safe." The creature had no mouth. It's voice was feminine. It sounded like an echo in reverse.
"Safe?" I snarled. "Are you the one that put me here?" I did not lower my knife.
"Safe." The figure seemed to nod.
"Are you?" I wirled backwards as a clammy sensation spread over my arm. Multiple figures, smaller than the one from the shadows, watched me with gaping mouths. They were filled with long sharp fangs, like a deep sea fish.
I slid my knife through one of them, the blade unharming its body like mist.
"Unsafe." The creature hummed.
The other creatures lids slid open, revealing red glowing orbs...