

searching for true soulmate
A six year old girl standing by the window of kitchen staring at the kids playing outside and wishing to join them but sadly she can't.

"This is a story of a girl who take all the responsibilities of her house and family at the age of six. she started doing household chores because her mother and father were both working as the family shifted in new city so her parents use to work all day but she has two younger siblings she has to take care of so she takes all the responsibilities of her house so that her parents can work and without even learning she started cooking food by herself.
This is already much for an six years old girl but she doesn't know it's just a start."

As she was staring at the window someone called her name and she got her sense back . she was just zoned out and remembering her childhood as she has the only memory of her childhood was standing by the window and staring at kids who are playing with hope in her eyes that some day she'll join them . now she's an teen age girl in her sixteen but still hoping to get out of this kitchen and join those kids .
" she took the responsibilities of her house just to help her parents but they got used to it now they too much dependent on her that she never got the chance to get out of her cage and fly, that's her past now let's see what will happen to her in her teen age."
Pri: hey Shaina where were you lost
" pri her childhood friend and only person she can relay on and she has the same story as Shaina but atleast her parents love her unlike Shaina when she did any task wrong her parents used to lay hands on her that's the worst part"
Shaina: oh nothing i was just little zoned out.
Pri: you know today there's a party in our school so i am so happy no study today.
Shaina: party for what?
Pri: you little book worm atleast pay attention to some other things other than your books.
Shaina: yeah yeah
Pri : will you come I'll help you to get ready okey
Shaina's mom : no she is not going anywhere there's no study in school today right so she is not coming.
" shaina's mom said who was standing right behind them and listening to them"
Pri: who said there's no study today our principal sir is going to retired so they are going to celebrate but only for half of the day after that we have classes like other days aunty and Shaina is also going to made a speech for principal sir right Shaina.
" pri made an excuse and Shaina supported her and guess what there plan did work they got permission but there's an surprise waiting for her or who knows it's a blessing or curse."

to be continue......

© niya gill