

You are a nation. Like a nation rules on some defined set of rules, you need to make ur own set of rules and follow it abidly for a happy and prosperous life. For a country to develop, it maintain a healthy relationship with all its neighbouring countries. Likewise a person too needs to develop a healthy relationship with all his connected beings.Really,its very important process in the walks of lyf. I won't hesitate to fact here that atleast handful do strongly believe on the principle of integrity. But gradually what happens is that life comes with varied situations where we loose our self control and self believed ideas and somehow couldn't able to stick to our own made set of rules. Be it in the form of anything -anger, depression, anxiety, peer pressure which challenges our ability to say no and many more.
See life isn't always bed of roses. Obstacles are a part of life. Everyone is facing an issue or more -the only thing that keeps us constant throughout is the ability to stay calm, to remain silent and keep on following the principle of integrity. It not only gives the power to fight but also saves us from dwelling deep in case of failures. So it can be confidently concluded that out of all the values taught to us in childhood, integrity can be titled as superset of allIf you have got the ability to master and practice this value in life, no one or no situation can bring u down coz u r a hard rock now!