

The problem with Sin✍️
Only God's power actively present with a man can help him overcome Sin and Satan... nothing else can.

Sin mostly works or thrives in hearts without room for Righteousness.

There is no man who can rule over sin without God's active presence to empower him.

And anytime we sin we become defenseless, Yea, our defender(God) his presence leaves us AND THROUGH SIN WE BECOME CLOTHED WITH THE ARMOUR OF THE DEVIL (SIN) NOT WITH THAT OF THE LORD (RIGHTEOUSNESS)

Only a contrite obedient heart can easily draw on God's Grace to cry out for help.

The dread of Sin is that its never without an accompanying consequences. (Immediate or futuristic)

And one of the major problem with Sin is that it corrupts, eats up our zeal and desire for the Lord, for eternity, for things of God, and makes us unable to APPROPRIATELY THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS🤔 😳✍️😢 Matthew 5:6(Hmm)

© Christinus Phil 2:5
© Christ♻InUs