

Who's your enemy?
WHAT IS AN ENEMY TO YOU?Although, there's a common belief, that Poverty is an enemy. And am yet to see anyone who loves poverty.

But from a literal context, an enemy is a person or something that actively opposes or show hostility towards someone or something. So assumably, an enemy does not exhibit Love or warm intentions.

But as for me, I believe my enemies are the important obstacles in my life. And the secrete strength that sharpens my focus, and kept me awake throughout my journey so far in life.

So basically, unlike most people. I don't pay attention to the amount of love I get from my enemies. The most important thing to me is, how I deal with my enemies and use them for my strength.

A lot of people pray against their enemies out of hatred. Even though the Bible encourages prayers about our enemies in specific times, a Godly heart and intentions must be used instead, in such prayers.

Although sometimes, when trouble, sickness, failures and sorrow afflicts people and they suspect someone or something, to be responsible for the pain they are feeling.

It can become tormenting to overlook such feelings. and defeating or overcoming such an enemy easily becomes a top priority that, might create sleepless nights or even lead to depressions in someone.

So, some people pray day/night and fast for months. pursuing the death of their enemies, and victory by fire or thunder.

"But the Bible also talked a lot about various enemies, and how people of God or those that choose to believe and worship God, dealt with their enemies."

Some of the enemies mentioned and some of the ways they were dealt with, from Biblical accounts.
Household enemies — Because he shared his dreams, Joseph experienced betrayal and hatred from his brothers that separated him from freedom at a young age and missed the love of his father, and was sold into slavery.

But God promoted him, in the land of slavery to rescue nations and his brothers. from famine, which was killing people and making nations suffer.

" I wonder if many people were 'Joseph'. wouldn't they find it difficult to forgive such brothers?"

Enemies of God and God's Gospel – Elijah dealt with them and Elijah had to defend the worship of the Hebrew God over that of the Canaanite deity Baal amongst his people.

Although, Elijah had the Baal priests slain after they lost a contest with him, to see which god would answer prayers to ignite a bull offering, between Baal & Yahweh(God).

But Jesus Christ, who is the mentor of Christians also dealt with enemies. Rather, he used the word of God against or rebuked them.

And the Bible also mentioned death as our enemy, but Jesus said he had overcome death already, and those who believed in him would enjoy this victory. And he also talked about how one should deal with an enemy.

Jesus mentioned enemies and how anyone who follows him should deal with such people in the book of Luke 6:27-36
(Bible verse from New International Version)

Love for Enemies(A)
27 “But to you who are listening, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,(B) 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (C) 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. (D) 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you. (E)

32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? (F) Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? (G) Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them,(H) and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children(I) of the Highest,(J) because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful,(K) just as your Father(L) is merciful.

I find the above Bible reading as a great insight into this dilemma of enemies and dealing with them as Christ-followers.

But it is important to know and acknowledge that, all of us can't have the same type of enemies. Neither did all the prophets dealt with the same type or manner of enemies either.

Perhaps it's safe to say, that the kind of life or path we choose or live and the circumstances that surround us. Might be a great determinant of the enemies we will have to deal with.

"And no magic, or prayers you perform. Enemies are waiting to exist in your life."

But you also might have to understand that, the way you live among others and deal with them, can influence how much hatred or love you get from them.

Nevertheless, some people will hate you and wage wars, no matter what you do or how you treat them. Just like they did to Jesus. even when he showed love, truth, and humility that none of his enemies can ever possess.

But being a Christian in this present day and age, and the types of enemies that we have. might be something more difficult to deal with, or even cope with.

And sometimes, problems we experience and the attacks of our enemies will even make a Christian forget English and lovely prayers, towards any enemy.

But something gave me an interest in my enemies and created a different opinion, that allows me to use them as my secret strength. And since I started dealing with my enemies differently, I have enjoyed more peace in life.

The most peaceful part of my existence so far is understanding, the purpose and meaning of what my enemies do to me, or want. And what they might achieve from being my an enemy to me.

Discovering and understanding an enemy or his motives should be a top priority if you want to either defeat them or get rid of enemies in your affairs or homes.

Although I emphasised that, no matter what we do, enemies are waiting to exist. But the truth is, they have to wait. And the reason they wait is to 1st tempt you, "in case you don't know."

Enemies intentions are of evil most definitely. But your intentions and reactions about what an enemy does to you, are the justification for their actions and attacks against you.

But most people don't understand this level of logical reasoning, because they always respond with emotions to what happens to them.

Because they easily feel, they don't deserve a level of tribulations being a Christian or because they just expect something better out of life naturally, as someone who believes in God.

The feeling of entitlement and expectations or pride are some of the fundamental issues that can make anyone irrational when they encounter challenges.

Although, there are so many solutions to problems. That's why we can follow other means to solve our problems apart from the expectations of us, as Christians. when dealing with an enemy or challenges.

Some people even believe, there's a level of spirituality that's supposed to be used, to wade off enemies or defeat them.

Through this belief, some people get problems solved. But there's never a guarantee of an end to attacks or enemies.

So, a lot of people just continue to deal with spiritual issues and pursue victories over their enemies, endlessly.

Some have even loosed a happy home, marriage, job, financial and valuable properties, to people that promise or display some ability of spiritual powers to solve their problems in the endless pursuit of victory.

This endless pursuit doesn't bring peace in the end. It either makes you become an enemy of God or even enemies to other innocent people. Because you won't be able to exhibit Love or warm intentions.

"As long as we perceive them of undesirable.. dealings with us."

The need to show love becomes irrelevant, because of the belief in one spiritual ability, that might be accessible and believed to be the solution, to that enemy or troubles, we don't want in our life.

Why enemies must deal with you
(Google image)

You forget that an enemy is a person or something that actively opposes or show hostility towards someone or something.

So regardless of your reasons, be it for good or evil. As long as you also stand in the way of someone, even if you standing to defend the truth against lies.

Someone will pick an enemy with you. Especially if, you're opposing what they are doing or showing hostility towards them.

So, in conclusion.
while you are in your room praying against all your enemies to die, fall, and be destroyed. There might be one of them in your compound or around your vicinity, that you don't even know.

And nobody can easily defeat their guilt or feel safe around you when they know their intentions for you are not good, and they are secretly an enemy to you.

You may prompt them to seek some help also, with spiritual or magical powers. That will provide them with the ability to harm or kill you before you kill them with your prayers.

You may even be in more danger if the person happens to directly possess dark powers or evil spirits, which can be far beyond your expectations or level of spirituality and relationship with God.

Because they believe that your intentions for them will cause them harm or death.

And the only difference is, they can get their intentions manifested, faster than you can manifest yours, through your violent prayers with hatred.

Since you're not justified and your intentions are not of love, as Jesus instructed. God will be slow to regarding your prayers or even accept them. Because God doesn't like the death of anyone, but repentance.

And some don't want you as an enemy, because they love you. But because they don't see you dealing with them in love and truth, when they offend or do something that hurts you. They might become an enemy, inevitably.

So you put yourself in a position to fight your enemies yourself or find a means of getting some sort of spiritual/demonic powers, humans whom you think can help you defeat this enemy, you have no understanding of.

But imagine you as an enemy. to hear someone, praying in love every day for you. And knowing you hate them, even if it doesn't motivate you for a change of heart regardless.

If such prayers continue for 365 days, and they keep asking God to help you understand the truth and the reasons to love them as a creation of God, just as you also are.

There's a chance your heart might search for truth, through your conscience that will never stop identifying the truth in the aftermath of all your encounters.

The truth will always prevail, either they accept the truth or not, you will be vindicated in the sight of God and even other men around you if you are in truth.

And because Love is the most powerful energy that any human can ever possess. Love can stifle their animosity and hatred towards causing you harm.

And your enemies, won't find many reasons to hate you when your deal with them in love. And they don't feel threatened by your wish for them.

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© Donald Adeniji