

A story Part 3/??
"Oh my I'm so scared." I replied with the most monotone voice ever which she took it as if I was scared of her.

"Serves you right loser!" She chuckled out evilly as I rolled my eyes in indigence.

"Who was it!" A thunderous voice roared out as the door was slammed open and in came rolling the fat principal.

"So that's your dad? How hideous looking." I murmured under my breath loud enough for her to catch on.

"No he isn't!" She screeched, "Where's papa!?" She demanded, stomping her feet.

"He is on his way. We'll expell the student if you want miss, just please don't get upset." The principal begged.

"Expel?" I chuckled lowly, "We shall see if you are capable enough to do that." I grinned at them widely almost inhumanely as all of them flinched at how creepy it was.

I was cut short by the door slamming open, in the process nearly breaking it. "Who was it!" Someone exclaimed as I watch Mase's eyes brightened.

"Daddy!" She squealed running to hide behind him, "It was that girl!" She pouted pointing at me, peeking from his back at me.

She didn't even try to act scared… I scoffed in my thoughts.

"Firstly I didn't bully her but she did. Secondly what can you do to me? Expel me? Hah I can always go to another school." I mocked.

"You… Secretary go and look up on her." The father exclaimed as his secretary randomly appeared beside out of thin air.

How the… Wow I need my secretary to do this! I thought cheerfully.

"I… Boss I can't seem to get her information." The secretary trailed off fearfully, "WHAT!?" He roared out angrily.

"What kind of an incompetent secretary are you if you can't do that?! You're fired!" He exclaimed, causing the whole class to jolt in their seats once more.

"Hey secretary, you can come work for this company. Just say 'Alexis said so'." I told him sliding to him my company's card.

The secretary looked at me shocked before he scrambled as mase's father began glaring daggers at him.

"Tch incompetent fools." He grumbled out annoyedly as I stared at him blankly.

"Mister are you done with your bullshit yet?" I asked, "How impertinent of you to your seniors! And why can't I access your information" He stated angrily.

"You can try again, use your computer this time than." I replied with a sly grin, "Tch no need. Principal I'm gonna sue her and than you make sure she gives my daughter a public apology!" He roared out as the principal frantically nodded.

"Wait sir! This student here is not at fault, your daughter was the one who began this fight." The teacher tried defending me as he came forward to calm down Mase's father.

"Scram! Make sure you fire this pest too!" He exclaimed pushing away the teacher as he stumbled backwards and hit his head on the teacher table, passing out unconscious.

I stared at the scene shocked, "You just hurt him!" I exclaimed angrily with my fists balled up.

"Yeah yeah whatever, it's his fault amd besides I can just pay for his medical fees anyways." He scoffed.

"… Haha… AHAHAHAHA!" I laughed up crazily, "The only reason why you applied to this school is so because your daughter would have the most control here but if she attended that famous Hiroge's academy she wouldn't stand a chance." I scoffed at him as his face turned darker.

His daughter had long already left the classroom earlier on otherwise she's screech about me saying that.

"Why yo-" He tried exclaiming but I cut him short, "Have you heard of the Tobi company?" I asked him seriously.

"Yeah what about it, do you know how many children they have?" I questioned, "One son." The father rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh so that must mean you are a nearly built up company." I mumbled, "So what are you trying to make me do? Apologise? Sure I will." I replied cheerfully skipping towards the door.

Turning to face something I looked at it. "Oh Mase I'm so sorry for insulting you or whatever." I bowed down at it as everyone tried concealing their laughter.

Afterall the thing I bowed down to was the trashcan.

"P-preposterous!" The principal exclaimed angrily as he quickly turned to the guy to bootlick him.

"P-please quell your anger sir. S-she'll be given the harshest punishment." The principal explained exasperatedly trying to calm the guy aka his patron down.

I rolled my eye at his words and asked, "Yeah so what's my punishment?" I asked plainly, checking my nails boredly.


"Please stop saying that word, I've probably heard that like 5 times today and frankly… I'm starting to get pissed with it especially with the tone you took with me." I stated, feeling irritated with the current situation that is happening.

"You know what… Just talk to my brother… Or shall I call my parents to talk to you?" I asked with a mocking smile on my face.

Can't wait to see this man apologise to me.

"Hmph. Now you're talking, although you don't know me but your parents will certainly know me brat." He spoke in a condescending tone to me as my grin widened.

The principal just smiled at the situation nervously but looked slightly relieved at his tone of voice.

"Alright than sir… You said so. Don't come begging for mercy later." I responded with a sly smile, "Heh, beg for mercy?! I think you'll be the one doing that." He scoffed at me.

I smiled and said nothing as I took out my phone, dialing my fathers phone number.

In a split second with no time wasted, my father picked it up. Before he could say anything I whine like Mase did pretentiously.

"Daddy~ There's someone bullying me and they are apparently going to 'punish' me, boohoo! What will this daughter do now." I cried out fakely.

"What!!? Who dares to do that to you!? I'm coming over right now! Where is your location!?" My father exclaimed angrily as I could hear the sound of his shoes tapping on the floor rapidly.

"I'll send you my location come quick before some people decides to punish me." I replied, sending my father the location quickly.

"So… It's easier if you met my parents face to face right?" I gave them a closed eye smile

"Even better." The father scoffed aloud as he began glaring at me.

© Naruko