

No More Than You Can Handle

  I sometimes ask myself, what makes me think I could be of any help to someone who's life is unstable, when I am barely hanging in there myself. The struggles from both sides began to wear me down.
  I have fallen plenty of times to the point that I cannot see a way out.
  My first reaction is to fall apart, and it isn't a pretty sight.
I remind myself that it's just another one of
life's obstacles, and just like other times, I get through it.
  I was always told that we are never given more than we can handle. These words used to light the fuse in me, because at times when I'd think things couldn't get worse, life would say,
"challenge accepted."

  To seek help wasn't something I wanted to do either. People already have enough of their own bullshit to deal with.
Or sometimes their lives are in a state of happiness, and I'd rather not unload my burden on their time of bliss.
  Feeling like an anchor was weighing me down, I'd bury my depression deep inside.
It was what I did best.
  My outlet has always been to help other's, even if I was in need of it.
  Channeling my energy, and directing it towards a good cause helps raise my spirit, but
as my situation declined further, I started thinking that I needed to focus on me, and my family.
  My regret was not being able to help someone as I had hoped, and I
realized I was in over my head.
  I did what had to be done, because at that moment, my family was more important. It was time that I took a step back.
Seriously, what good would I be if I let myself get stuck in a pile of stink without a shovel.
So before you find yourself in this particular spot, this is a reminder that helping others is great, but don't ever lose sight of what you need as well.
  Just food for
         the mind...

       Written by
  Sarah M Gutierrez


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