

Untold story
Working in a place that never understood you for who you are. Was painful & agonizing at first until the day I lived. We all come from different cultures,race,religion & backgrounds. But it gives no right for any of us .To judge anyone within the above mentioned. Here how it goes, racism at its flames. No one asks to be different in this world. Yet we human being want to label an individual for being different. We form groups and influence people to hate different people. Even worse, so many people against one individual. You don't even know why you hate the particular person. Cos that person never harmed you.All the group those is follow with a shallow mind.mind.They treat that individual as an outcast & want to miss treat him /her. Not realizing tomorrow is unknown. We all belong to this world. Who are we to speak in behalf of GOD. Sometimes it makes you wonder if people can think for themselves. Or they just sheep that follow the herd. Since the difference is minority.They are bullied to a corner knowingly that they all against you. They can twist the tongue to suit them. The minorities do find solutions too. Though individually minded, they find peace in the situation. Thereafter life moves on, without doubt. The universe can hear you.

© crazy poet