

Olympus: War-Chapter 2
Olympus: War

Chapter 2: The Battle on Olympus

After 15 weeks and 4 days of planning and training, Medusa, The Minotaur, The Chimera and five thousand Giants was ready to attack Olympus. Medusa smashed the blue rock that Hades gave her and they all disappeared from the underworld and reappeared on Olympus. Then just as they appeared, The Goddess Aphrodite (Goddes of Love and beauty) saw Medusa, but she did not turn to stone. Then Medusa asked her:"Why did you not turn to stone." Then Aphrodite aswerd: "The magic at Olympus is very powerful and your ability to turn people to stone will simply not work here." Then Aphrodite yelled "Where under Attack!!!"

Then Zeus (The God of the sky, storms, thunder and the lightningbolt), Proseidon (The God of the sea, earthquakes and horses), Ares (The God of War), Artemis ( The Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, the moon and chastity), Apollo (The God of music, poetry, art, orchery, plague, medicine, light, knowledge and the sun) and Hermes (The God of trades, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes and border crossing) came out the the palace of Olympus. They then got ready for a battle, but Aphrodite just ran to her husband, Hepuestus (The God of metalworking, stone masonry, forges, sculpture and olso a God of fire). Hepuestus was outside the palace of Olympus at the Garden. Then Hepuestus promised to protect Aphrodite from the Giants.
Then Zeus shot a bolt of lightning at twelve Giants. Poseiden blasted big waves of water at one hundred forty two Giants. Apollo shot arrows at a few Giants. (Artemes was also shooting arrows at a few Giants.) Ares was having a sword fight against Medusa. Hermes was wrestling against the Chimera, but the Minotaur was invisible.

Medusa helped the Minotaur with the invisibility spell. The Minotaur looked at Zeus, to see if his lightningbolt was with him. When he saw that Zeus did not had the lightningbolt, he then went in the palace of Olympus. He went in the throne room. That is when saw The lightningbolt of Zeus on his Thorne. The Minotaur grabbed the lightningbolt and ran. He then screamed: "Moo!!! I've got it!!!", but only Medusa chould hear it. She then ran away from Ares. Of course Ares screamed: "Coward!!!" Medusa then took out the red Rock and quickly smashed it.
Then Medusa, The Minotaur , The Chimera and the surviving Giants disappeared. Then Gods and Goddes did not know what just happened, but all they knew was that it was Hades.

Medusa, The Minotaur, The Chimera and the surviving Giants then reappeared in The Throne Room of Hades in the Underworld.

Then Hades clapped his hands and said:
"Well done. You've stole my brother's lightningbolt and about three thousand out of five thousand Giants survived."
Then Hades asked: "Did you kill any of the Olympians"
Then Medusa answers the question: "No, we did not. Sorry my Lord."
Then Hades Said disappointed: "Too bad. Not too worry. Me and Cronus will kill them together. First things first Medusa, Hide The Lightningbolt until I say you should bring it back to me. I faer we will have some company soon. Medusa go and don't come back until a I call you in." Then he looked at the Chimera. "You may also go." Medusa walked away and the Chimera disappeared into mist. Hades then clapped his hands and the Giants then olso disappeared into mist. He then told The Minotaur to stand next to Cerberus (Cerberus was was right next to The Throne of Hades).
Then The Minotaur did what Hades told him to do.
Hades started to laugh in a deep scary voice.
Then he said: "The plan is so far going as planned."

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