

Flor Zorrilla He did it I don't know how he found about her yelling at me and himShe does all the time I don't know whyYes You remember got you angry and blow milk on the lunch room at school ? Why? Me and you and her Katie used be friends Please I miss. Those the four of us used talk me and bathann and Katie believe you She okayBathann said be. Be friends again Try to be friends
Good night sisShe wants friends she wasn't bulling you it's was Veronica all this time Please forgive her Me and you and her Katie used be friends PleaseThanksText bathannBathann never. Bullied youSis once someone try hurt me there is no come back before I leave high school she set me try to everyone what Veronica said y'all never believe in meWouldn't be easy
She got to earn my trust Ok still remember I know Veronica bully
I remember she talking shit
Kate don't believe me
Bathann not so much
Katie speak to meWhy should I text that is not my problem
© Ny-leeka Jackson