

The beautiful princess
once there lived a beautiful girl in a Village her name was mare she was so beautiful.she lived with her grandmother.her name was alice rose .
her grandmother always tell her bedtime stories.
Today she was also starting a beautiful story of a princess.
The story began .
long time ago in a castle there lived a king and a queen 👑 they had no daughter.
with many prayers they had got a beautiful daughter they named her sofia .sofia was so pretty her beautiful long hair her white face her long eye lashes .
Everyone loved her .
But she had no friend .
One day she was playing in a garden and she saw a cute boy his name was charlie .
he was so handsome.
both become friends.
And play together.
but sofia mother died soon and her father married.
her step mother was so devil .she hate sofia because she was so pretty .
She ask her gard to take sofia and get away from here .
The Sofie was now in a jungle she was so afaird and then she saw her friend charlie he take sofia to the castle and sofia meet her father and tell her everything.The Charlie and sofia married when they become young .and lived happily .
mare began to sleep and started seeing beautiful dreams .
The end
writter haze
Always smile