

........Lost Forever
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen.
She couldn't believe that news and now she is helpless for her husband who is exactly where the asteroid is up to."Mom, is dad coming back?"asked the child with a doubtful tone and she looked at him and replied "My son your dad will come for sure for you and me".Then she looked at the sky hoping that her tears won't roll down her cheeks.Every one has someone who they love in the city of Tokyo and the asteroid has no interest in what kind of city or the people is it hitting.She got a call from an unknown number and she picked up "Hello,is that you honey" she heard him and her tears just couldn't hold them self anymore.He knew it and said,"I know honey its hard for you and its the same for me but its my duty to help people out and we have evacuated a lot of areas but we are stuck in the snow storm and might not be able to reach out from here. I am here with my friends and they all wish to get back to their family but experts say the asteroid may reach here till tomorrow. If I don't come back tell our champ, our son that I love him. Are you there honey?" She couldn't utter a word, the pain is too much for her to take yet she whispered,"I will, I love you" He was happy that he could have this talk with his wife and replied in a comforting tone,"I love you too sweetheart and I will......uh..co...." and the network trembled and the unspoken words are lost forever .

#loveones #lovelylife #lovelynightmare #heartbroken #Heart