

He Has Loved You First
1 John 4:9-10
9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Do you often hear this saying " love comes at an unexpected time and to unexpected people or often times I heard that we found love at the wrong time and wrong people. But tonight, I was reminded on this verse that love comes at His expected time for us and to that saved individual for us. But I will not be sharing to you tonight about erotic love which I believe, I don't have the right knowledge to share this things upon.

But do you agree that expressing love is a decision? It's our decision whether for us to love or to hate. Our key text gives me three insights.

First, to love takes planning. When the world was marred by sin, our ever lover Father has take it's first initiative on our salvation, He has planned delicately on how to redeem us from the downfall of our sin and He has given us the solution that His only begotten Son will be an atoning sacrifice for this humanity so that we may be connected to Him.

Second, love is intentional. God's love for us is not a heresy. He has demonstrated pure love to us not that He has only sent His son into this world as an atoning sacrifice but Jesus first has served this humanity.

Third, love is unconditional. God's love for us is unmeasurable that He has love us while we were yet a sinner, while we are unworthy at His presence (Romans 5:8). God does not love us because we love Him, but because He has love us first.

Indeed, only God's love brings comfort to our soul.