

The Vulture
Today I woke, from the burning white of dream; to a bizarre flapping above my head. To my horror, the sound was coming from a giant vulture just out of reach beyond me. On closer inspection of the dreaded thing, I noticed that the bird's body was comprised entirely of gold. In such a sudden act of compulsion, I felt obligated to reach out and snatch the creature of magnificent fortune straight out of the sky. In doing so, the vulture merely directed itself slightly higher up and every swipe of it I made was met with fistfuls of nothingness. "If you must fly in here, uninvited, at least have the decency to let me make use of your offering," I said; hurling a bedside book at it. This seemed to anger the vulture, for in that precise moment, the beast let out a caw so shrill, it plunged the morning sun into an omnipresent graveyard that descended over the room like a cold shoulder.
"Am I simply to let someone so foolish just catch me? I think not!"
At the unexpected retort of the bird, I was instantly immersed in a shock that brought to my knees an unshakeable stiff. "And besides", the vulture continued: "maybe you are of no capacity to grasp the magnitude of my offering, or maybe too stupid to simply know when to give up". At this, the vulture began to drill unforgivingly at the flesh of my eyes. "What use is sight if one is by nature, blind to the obvious"? Soon its riches will be inaccessible, just as they always have been.

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