

Postcards without an address
I have nothing to say - because I have gotten to the point in life where I am so used to tending to my own thoughts that I always come up with replies for my thoughts by myself ... I resolve every thought by myself - I don't think that's healthy, but that's how it is ...

I love writing - and writing down things in a diary doesn't really feel the same as writing to someone - I like having this feeling/illusion that I am being heard - it's not even necessary that I need to be understood ... or replied to ...

Talking to people directly face to face - knowing someone face to face - I don't know - I feel that it lacks something - because we are always on our guards/pretending at some level? ... When we are all alone - we are different people ...

And sitting down and writing thoughts down from this space - when I am all alone - a different person - I enjoy this experience because it reveals more things about me than I was aware of before.

© Saibal Samadder