

Selfish Love: Chapter 3
Next day morning, Ruru was walking and Zury saw her again, She yelled Yuna's name, but yuna was still tired and got up slowly "YUNA?!? WHAT HAPPENED?! SHE ALREADY LEFT!!" That time yuna finally realizes about her plans and panics "where did she go?!" Zury and yuna started running "i know! She's heading to Razurimaru school!" They saw her but she already entered the gate, "go get her! Since you're their student!" Yuna said. "Once i enter, they wont let me out unless its my family member!" Zury panics even more. So Yuna decides to shout Ruru's name. "Did someone call me?" Ruru asked Maruqez as she looks behind, but she couldn't see who was calling her since so many students are on their way, so Maruqez told her to not mind it as she wraps her arm around Ruru's neck, forcing her to stop looking back.
"That voice..sounds familiar.." Ruru said to herself. Then once again she heard someone called her by her nickname.."Ruru Ruri!!", Ruru stucked for a moment in shock, Maruqez looked at her. "Im sorry Maruqez! I have to check who was that!" Ruru said as she tries to run, "that nickname!...only yuna calls me by that name! Yuna...yuna.." Ruru said to herself. Then as she runs she saw Yuna. "RURU!!! Quick quick quick!!" Yuna was excited, but unfortunately Maruqez caught her, "no! Maruqez please! Not this time!"
"Its my job, you see my uniform?", Maruqez then looked madly at them. Yuna stares back straight into Maruqez's eyes. Ruru started crying, but it didn't change the situation this time. Then meanwhile...during class, Ruru tried thinking of a way to escape the school, or have a reason to go home. "I should get beaten up by Maruqez badly.." Ruru starts doodling on her book, "no...i should injure myself badly.." she realizes what she was doing then starts erasing what she drew, "oh i know! I will faint myself! It will also make Maruqez mad and she might beat me up! Then send me home!" Without realizing, she was clenching her fist whispering "Yes!" While Maruqez stares at her, then at break time she quickly runs off, Maruqez knew something was up. "Run run run! Run until you cant!" Ruru said to herself as she ran around the whole school, she starts panting hardly and sweats, she couldn't feel her legs anymore, her knees starts to get weak and her chest starts burning up. "Come on..it doesn't matter anymore.." she keeps forcing herself, then she bumps onto Maruqez, but when she stops, she could barely breath and started to cry. "What are you doing to yourself?!" Maruqez yelled as loud as she could, which made ruru flinch. Ruru then continues to run, so Maruqez decided to chase her, "i think i know what you're planning..give up now! You know what happens once i caught you! Or once you return home as well"
"Why wont you let me see Yuna?! Why are you..keepin-" Ruru fainted, Maruqez quickly shouted for help. "Jeez...Ruru...you're gonna commit suicide to just see her, dont you?!" Ruru just looked, struggling to open her eyes. Meanwhile at Rynhee's 'house, Yuna and Zury was talking about Ruru. "That reminds me, ruru would get herself in danger just to get what she wants or reach where she wants!" Yuna panicked, "if anything happens right now...i deserve to be in jail!" Yuna shouted as she covers her face with a pillow. "You know what...since Rynhee is known in the school, we will get her to write a note and sign in it, so when they ask for permission on why we wanted to enter...we will show them the note!" Zury said as she starts cutting off a piece of paper, "thats a good idea". Rhynee didnt know why, but looking at their faces, she knew something serious is up, so she wrote her sign and a small msg without a single word. "T-thanks alot Ryn!" Zury said as she bows down, then they quickly ran off. Then when they tried entering, the security stopped them and really asked for their permission, So they acted confident while handing him the note, "this is Rynhee. im going to be very busy, so i sent these 2 girls to check on my friend who's really sick" Yuna said, while looking straight into the security's eyes with no emotion. Then as he reads the note, he allowed them to get in. Then they started asking where Ruru is, they visited her class, but she wasnt there, and so is Maruqez, they then asked the principal for a girl named Ruru Zuqez. "Heh! Of course! She's the only one here with such a unique name. She's in the medic room." They just smiled and said "thank you!". Then the nurse caught them, "hey stop who are you?" The nurse asked.
"We are here to visit Ruru" then again, Yuna handed her Ryhnee's note, she also needs the principal's sign, so they went back to him to sign, but he wasn't there anymore, "okay look
..keep talking to the nurse...maybe Ruru could hear you and probably do her best to get to you while i wait for the principal.." Zury said, feeling nervous. So yuna went back to the nurse..."the principal is not in his office tho"
"Then you cant enter the room"
"But i seriously need to see her..please, I've never seen her more than 5 years now, and this is finally our chance if you let us...they're all on your hands.." Yuna begged...meanwhile in the medic room, Ruru struggles to walk, she starts shouting "Yunaa!! Miss! Please let her in!", the nurse was shock, when she opens the door, Ruru was on the floor, she quickly helped Ruru to get back up on the bed, Zury finally got the Principal's sign, she ran and saw the door was open. "Miss?! I got the principal's sign!!", the nurse quickly looked. "Fine..get in" the nurse said as she left the room. "Yuna!!" Ruru kept crying terribly while hugging Yuna. "I missed you so much! Please dont leave me again! Please take me with you! Please..." Ruru couldn't stop crying, Zury was shock to see Yuna cry, she rarely cries..."please save me too..", yuna heart skipped a beat when Ruru said that, "why what happened?.." yuna starts to worry..but Ruru couldn't talk since she kept crying and started coughing. "There's so much i..*cough cough* want to tell you...someome is *cough cough*"
Zury handed Ruru a cup of water "here...drink..", As ruru drinks, Yuna gently pats Ruru's back. Then when Ruru is done, She gave some space on the bed while looking to Yuna. "Aww...okay" Yuna happily joined Ruru on the bed, "ummm...should i leave and give you both privacy??" Zury asks awkwardly, "noo, thats just how Ruru is...when she feels really sad, she wants cuddles or to feel someone on her side" Yuna said as she decides to sit and let Ruru Lay her back on her body, then hugs Ruru's head. "Oh i remember...why are you in the medic room...?" Yuna asked. "Well..i decided to make myself faint.."
"What!? How??! What you mean?!"
Zury was just listening, "i kept running till i cant run anymore, and now im here for awhile because it hurts if i walk", Yuna facepalmed but continues to hug Ruru's head. Meanwhile, the nurse forgot to inform that someone has come to visit Ruru, "its alright miss...thank you" Maruqez said as she walks away, "how dare she...they're probably gone.." Maruqez clenched her fist, she knocks the door and slowly enters the room, they can see the rage in Maruqez's eyes. "Leave her alone now" Maruqez said calmly, Yuna felt Ruru was shivering, when she looked...Ruru was shivering from fear. "What did you do to her?!" Yuna yelled madly, so Maruqez just smiled..