

The black hood covered his face with only a slight yellow glow underneath. He never wanted to hurt them, but it must be done if freedom was even capable to be thought of.

Part One: Her

I awoke on a Saturday morning with nothing but the shadows dancing around my room. The black curtains were so nice compared to a blinding ray of sunshine.

Pulling the blanket off and stepping onto the cold wooden floor, I stretched my arms above my head. *crack* "Ugggh. Stupid body..."
This was a normal routine for me. My body wasn't exactly the best and definitely not the strongest.

My eyes felt weird. Was I crying again last night? Damn...

I looked over at my dresser and saw the pill bottle spilled across it and an empty bottle of vodka beside it. My phone was there before I passed out...but...it wasn't any more.

I got on my knees to look around for it. Filthy clothes, another empty bottle from another lonely night, something sticky on the floor...probably soda. Ah, I finally found it under the edge of my bed.

Three new messages and two calls. Must be Ven...hopefully I didn't say anything stupid last night.
Hey...I know you're going through some things but you shouldn't be drinking yourself to death

You there?

I'm visiting tomorrow around noon. Please don't be dead or something

Oh great. It's already 11:45 and I look like absolute shit right now.

I sat my phone down on the bed and searched for a clean set of clothes.
*sniff* "Eh, this tank top might be clean enough."

I pulled off my shirt which was splattered with vodka stains and some blood. Wait, blood?

My hand instantly went to the spot under my nose. Dried blood...as expected. Probably just got too messed up and did something stupid.

I finished changing clothes and went out into the hallway. It was brighter out here and took me by surprise.
Backing up, I hit my elbow on the edge of the door.

That just put me into a cussing fit which was ended once the doorbell rang. Ven was here and I still had blood on my face.

I sprinted to the bathroom and rushed to clean the blood off. The doorbell rang again. The blood was off but now...something else was wrong.

My eyes we're locked on the reflection of me in the mirror.
"Oh god."

This time he didn't bother ringing the bell again. He knocked loudly in a frantic way before opening the door. "Loren?"

He called out my name but I wasn't ready to talk yet. "Loren?! Where are you? "

His footsteps echoed through the hallways and stopped outside the door to the bathroom.

His hand touched my shoulder and brought me back into the cold reality.

"I...I can't..."
He hushed me by pulling me towards his chest and placing his hands on my hips.
"Shh...it's okay. It's just going to take getting used to."

I sighed and smiled, the fear leaving my body and the sense of love replacing it. Zen smiled too and kissed my forehead gently.
"Better? "
"Better. "

We left to the living room, probably the most comfy place in my whole house. Ven kept me close against him just incase I'd break down again.

We sat in silence for the longest time. It wasn't uncomfortable just simply silent. No words needed to be spoken. Not even emotions.

Me and Ven always seemed to understand perfectly what's wrong with each other when this silence appears.

But it had to be broken eventually, so I did it.
"Uh...do you know how to make French toast? "

Okay well that was a dumb question. Of course he knows how to. He's made it for me everytime we've been together in the morning.

But instead of judging me for being stupid, Ven smiled and said "Yes. Layered in Nutella I'm guessing? "

We both laughed and for once I felt normal. Ven gave me this feeling...being normal. It's almost hilarious to think about.

Because I'm not normal.
I'm a freak.
A living monster.

Ven left to start cooking and I was alone with myself again. This caused a different silence go spread around the room.

It was heavy and burned deep into every scar on my back that would remind me how I was created and why I'll never feel normal.

It was cold like ice inside my lungs that kept me from breathing.

It was blurry like an old vision from someone who had their memory wiped but was suddenly seeing an image appear within their brain the explained so many things they have yet to remember.

Ven walked back into the room and sat a plate onto the coffee table in front of me. "You okay, darling? "

I nodded and gave a fake smile that could almost be seen as real. He sat down beside me and begun to eat his own breakfast, scrambled eggs and buttered toast, while watching me to make sure I was really okay.

The plate was cold against my legs since my shorts barley fit anymore. But the food was warm and delicious. The chocolate layer on top was perfect with French toast.

Ven chuckled and handed me a napkin. Chocolate was also very messy...

I refused to take the napkin and continued to eat. Messy was how I wanted to be.

Messy meant you don't care what others think.
Messy means you aren't worried about being perfect all the time.
Messy means you like a little fun even if it means getting dirty.

Messy means I can be myself without being so different because people are messy.
People...are messy.

Ven noticed me lost in thought again. This happens often and he has learned to ignore it.

We finished our food in that comfortable silence.
"Should we go see...Eye?"

Ven froze up after I asked my question in a whisper.

"No. Absolutely not. "

I quickly took our plates to the kitchen so he wouldn't aim his anger towards me. He hated Eye, which is understandable. Eye wasn't one to trust...

Not after what he brought into my life and nearly destroyed every relationship I've known. He already took my life with my family away...

So why would I even think of mentioning him?

: Stay tuned for part two! :