

ONE NIGHT ........
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic policemen who were standing at the check post in the middle of the forest. It was about 3'o'clock night. The policemen stopped and checked the car for safety purpose .They saw a man with a mask and good. His eyebrows were thick and he looked suspicious. So, the policeman checked the car thoroughly. At last they opened the back door of the car where they found a bag. when the policeman took out the bag he saw some tools. He took out a sickle with full of blood!.All got shocked and gone to arrest the man . Suddenly he started his car with high speed where he broke out the post!. All the policemen followed him. At a point he stopped the car and fought with the policemen. He ran to pick a hammer from his car and killed all of them without any mercy. All their blood splashed on him! .With a big laugh he ate.. ate.. them!!. Atlast he digged a big hole to bury the leftovers that is their bones!.