

STORY continued...
EDIT: requesting you reader please comment and let me know should I continue? give a comment rather than a like..
After reaching my mansion I gave it a thought..
I remembered those graveyard parties I had years back and now that I have become a great personality I'll be there to watch all reactions 😏
Yes I have some time after 10 today I'll join the party will meet some old friends..
I sat in my car and instructed the driver to take me there .. with me I carried a bottle of bowmore 1957 ,I know it's expensive but it's worth for old friendship 😉
I entered the graveyard and greeted them it seemed like I was here some moments back the same eerie atmosphere and beautiful darkness...
The only difference was the individuals I met looked different..
I handled the bottle to Hella she received it with a smile Kevin told me to have a seat..
I said young man's got some manners now ...
We laughed and all sat together they again congratulated me on the victory and I was feeling good again.. she made our glasses and we took it with elegance ..
She said it feels way too formal let's do it the old way I said sure ..
Kevin told us to stand up and follow him we sat on the old wooden boxes with a box as the table and started to talk helza said
Cheers to miles' victory
Cheers.. all said together
Still it doesn't have the vibe like before.. I added
Yeah you wanna have the vibe ? She held me and started to move towards a corner Kevin followed....

Wanna know what will happens next?
Stay tuned...
To be continued ON DEMAND 😁
© my heart isn't reserved