

When someone ingoring you.....

When someone ingoring you whom you cares a lot. I know that's a painful movement. But it's a loss for them. They missed a moon while counting the stars.
When you msg or you call them, if they ingoring you or if they blocked you. Let them block you. Let them go away from you. Let them go. Today they will block you, tommorw they will search you on Google.
Success is the best revenge for the people one hurt you wantedly, cheating you, killing you by their words etc. Focus on your dreams.
Today it will pain. Make use of the pain. Each and every pain teaches you the best lesson. Make use of these lessons. With these lessons go ahead on your life. Prove you can achieve what you need.
Not only you, there are many people's are hurted by some mercy less persons. But they are the one who gives you pain and gives you the life lessons. So take every sorrows as a life lessons. Every sorrows will definitely teach you a life lessons.
Please value the valuable lessons, experiences and a strong self motivational in these sorrows. But please don't value the negative things. It will push you down.
Every sorrows gives pain. Pain make you cry. Cries make you strong. Strong will teach you lessons. Lessons leads you in a good position. Good position gives you a success. Success is the best revenge for the people who blocked you. They will definitely search you in the Google.
So be like a water. No one can stop the flow of water. Even a big rock was in the middle, water will flow on this destination. So even in your life there will be problems like a big rock that blocks your way. In that situation flow like a water. Then no one can stop you.

All the best for you change in your life. I hope my motivation writing will motivates whoever reads it. Even I have suffered a lot, cryed. But I got out from it. I took each and every pain as my lessons. Now my life is very happiest as before.

" Every second life will give more happiness than the first life"


- Pranali Charles 💖

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