

Epistolary Endeavors...I and the King
Dearest King Vischal,
I hummbely appreciate your generosity putting up a reward for I had not even thought of that. I do pray that you do indeed find my brother it I'd fear would be my last hope if he is not residing within your kingdom. As I sit and await word back from you I fear the worst and wish for the best each time I see the sun rise and the moon fall. To be honest with you my Lord there is only my brother and I left of my family for I have had no children being that I am still a virgin unmarried. And my brother's wife hadn't conceived as expected when he went out in search for work, in essence its why he ended up there I think. I have tormented myself day after day trying to retrace his steps and find. out exactly where he went where he was hoping to find where he is, or if he even is. You'd have no idea what I felt like when I received...