

Drama Scenario
Angry young men - A Group of middle and working class novelists and playwrights emerged in 1956 by John Osborne, English playwright in his play Look back in Anger in which middle class character Jimmy Porter , his wife Alison porter, daughter of Redfern , Helena charles , Friend of Alison and Jimmy's friend Cliff Lewis who is intimated with Alison in kitchen while working.

thus Osborne introduced Kitchen sink realism or drama in 1956 . Its Characters are considered as Angry Young men who are disillusioned with modern society.
Playwrights- Osborne, Kingsley , Noel conrad etc.

Writers( Osborne, Kingsley Amis, John Wain , John Braine & Allan Sillitoe ) are outspoken critics who protested against economic conditions and social injustice.

Slapstick Drama: A kind of Physical comedy featured by Humour, absurdity , Vigorous & Violent actions.

University Wits: Coined by Sainsbury to depict group of English dramatists of late 16th century who wrote plays for equality and equanimity.
Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Nashe , Robert Greene belonged to cambridge UNIVERSITY whereas John Lyly, George Peele , Thomas Lodge belonged to Oxford university. Meanwhile Thomas Kyd was not a UNIVERSITY trained playwright.
Marlowe's mighty lines prepared way for Shakespeare and his successors.

Metaphysical poets: Metaphysical term coined by Dryden while Metaphysical poets or metaphysical poetry coined by Samuel Johnson.
John donne is a leader of metaphysical school of poetry about whom Dryden calls him He affects metaphysics in his essay ' Discourse concerning satire ' 1693.

Poets - John Donne , Abraham cowley, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Richard Crashaw , Roger Ascham etc.
Metaphysical school of poetry is fruit of true Renaissance.
Features as given below :-
Wit , Satire , Irony
Colloquial language
Grandeur thoughts
Hyperbolic expressions
fusion of passion and thought
blend of sensual & Spiritual feelings
passionate expressions.

Puritan Poets: Theme was Religious.
John Milton & Andrew Marwell .

15th century Poets : Thomas Occeleve, Robert Henryson, Gavin Douglas, John Lydgate, Stephen Hawes , Alexander Barclay, William Dunbar , James I , etc.
William Dunbar is chaucer of Scotland.

Lake poets: Coined by Frances Jeffrey including Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey.
Satanic Poets- Coined by Robert Southey in Vision of judgement 1821 including Byron, Shelley & Keats.

Cockney poets: Its analogy on Lake poetry. It came in hostile review of blackwood magazine in 1817 including Leigh Hunt , Hazllit & Keats.

Globe theatre by John Barbage
Epic theatre by Andre Breton in france.
Theatre of Absurd by Martin Esslin in 1960 used by Albert Camus.
Theatre of Cruelty by Antonin Artaud.
Theatre of Menace- Irving Wardle
Theatre of Macabre- Christopher Lee.
Theatre of Abbey - WB Yeats , Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn.

First True play - Ralph Roister Doister 1551.
first play in blank verse- Gorboduc 1562.
second comedy- Grammar Gurtons needle

Father of comedy- Aristophanes
father of English comedy- Nicholas Udall who wrote Ralph Roister Doister.
Father of tragedy- Aeschylus
Father of English tragedy- Marlowe
Father of English drama- Shakespeare
Father of Kitchen sink drama- Osborne
Father of absurd drama- Camus
Playwrights- Pinter, Eugene Ionesco , Jean Genet , Osborne, Kingsley Amis etc.
Father of problem Plays- Henrick Ibsen
Its coined by Sidney Grundy.

Comedy in following:-

Comedy of Manners - firstly used by Shakespeare in Loves labours lost and Much Ado about nothing.
Foremost author is George Etherge.

Comedy of Humor- First used by Ben Jonson.
Comedy of Menace - First used by Irving Wardle and Perfected by Pinter.

Comedy of Purpose - Introduced by GB Shaw in his play Man and Superman , noticed by AC Ward.

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