

a rose only with thorns for you
her: let's break up
him: why?? aren't you happy?
her: I was...
him: don't you love me?
her: I do! I love you so much I could suffocate!!
him: then stay!
her: that's the problem! I get suffocated when I'm with you, sometimes I feel like I could die from being happy but most of the time I just wanna run a million miles away from you.
him: then leave!?!
her: I can't even though I really really do.
him: what are you saying!? can't you just say that you don't love me anymore? or are you just so fragile of letting go?
her: it's just couse I'm so in love with you!! that I can't get enough of the sight of you, why do you have to be such a rose!? you're so beautiful yet everytime I get attached I get too close to your thorns.
him: why do you have to leave??
her: you gave me so many reasons to leave you yet no excuses left to say for me to stay.

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