

Her late night thoughts.
"IT had become difficult to sleep lately...and her mind was becoming murky...her thoughts wandered and she often found herself question so much...the questions ...they seemed to fill her mind and the only relief was to let them out...and thus she began writing...
"My mind unlike me is a stubborn wild mare....as much as I prefer a sedentary lifestyle...my mind would not let me do so...it's restless.. before I knew company of those outside home ..I was always occupied between pages of books I couldn't fully grasp...yet those were peaceful times... contact with people have brought me habits and pain...yes. I am a selfish person..for I care a great deal about myself....and with myself I mean my inner peace. Never really did anything much for my external appearance..I guess it was a mistake letting people in.. opening my heart to them...for at the end...I am still left alone...no matter how hard I try..I just doesn't seem to work. I am like that child's toy that he plays with for a while then is forgotten somewhere in the attic. Forgotten and abandoned. They assume I ll be just fine after them giving me a taste of everything I never knew and taking it all away as they leave. Cruel is what it is. our time has passed he says..and walks away while my time is frozen, I play our time together in my head in loops, over and over and over again... I wish people came with tags.. DANGEROUS, KEEP DISTANCE... So I would Keep distance..I won't care...it won't hurt that way."
© darkmistress