

Lost Childhood
Chapter 1


The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the sidewalk with colorful chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours.

It was the perfect day for playing outside. The sun was shining brightly, a soft gentle breeze was blowing.
It was as if a storm was approaching.

This day there was no storm in the weather forecast; only two friends enjoying what was left of spring. Summer would soon bring warmer temperatures.

No one seemed to give any thought to the unmarked van that had been parked in front of the house four doors down. No movement in or out, just sitting for hours.

It had been there since the girls had created their games that would most likely occupy the rest of the day; Spring break was coming to an end.

Tuesday Emily and Martina were returning to their usual schedule of classes and the homework that came with it. Only three more months and they could play all day.

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