

black hole
It wasn't a normal day as before that was very crucial for me,oh i forgot to mention about me iam Benny a middle class married man, who thinks to be perfect but not a family man. i hope now you get me, a man with out responsibility.an angel with out feathers got married to me, after that life was beautiful ,for me. only girl her mom was a single parent so financially stable than my family,she was deeply in love with me,even i do but not so deep she supported me and my family financially she stood by me in my hard times.thats what i called her an angel,but i took her for granted we don't have kids i chose my mobile to relief my stress in this fast life i forgot to notice that she stopped chatting with me because she is a chater box i still remember she use to share about her dreams every morning and ask me why I get wired dreams Benny as if i created the dream in her mind she was very dependent on me at first we will fight often and every time she convince me even though she was correct.right after my angeo operation even that fight was missing. often she use to say you are not giving me any attention true she is the most precious gift of my life hence she was holding me always i don't know the value of her until the incidence happen.fairy tales for her horror dreams for me one week before we had a firey conversation which ended badly she stopped talking with me once and for all still i don't remember about that conversation.that night around 3.30am with a loud trumpet noise there was a huge spring board on the other side a spiral ring black inside i couldn't see anything visible in that .when all crowd gathered there the trumpet noise gradually reduced and a powerful voice we all could hear a dominant voice which no one could argue nor question against the voice "this spring board is a time machine according to your knowledge but it's not for all , those who really been good to others with good heart but was not justified by your life will get permitted in this trip others who try to get will be rewarded with a life time cheater tattoo in your forehead so before you step in that spring board judge yourself the real punishment for those who don't justified your life begins now" the voice vanished one uncle in our area got stepped into it got the first tattoo gift after that more than 25 people got with the tattoo after that one blind boy stepped in the spring board he is the first person to get into the black whole he vanished all of the sudden first fear rounded all of us.that time i remember jeny was not in the house i was watching all this in my balcony i don't even have guts to get down because i know i pretend to be perfect.but jeny, oh iam sorry my wife name is Jennifer she is capable for that ride where is she the point where my ego broken into pieces i was shouting please jeny , jeny we're are you please again i went to my balcony to find she was in the crowd my jeny was just a step near to that spring board she turned with lost last hope in me and stepped in the spring board she is the second to get into the black hole wait we're am i ? what the heck iam in the same restaurant where we meet before 7 years ago but i don't have her number in my contact list and i totally forgot where she belongs to.... .....it was not a dream for sure i remember each and every day i lived with her,the love and care she had for me so the judgement was given to me? now it's my turn to prove my love find her again to love....