

The mirror loomed over us as we traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...

So that's why we went in. Foolish as I was, I hungered for the feeling of fear and danger. My best friend, Wanda, foolishly said yes to joining me. We were going to prove the rumors wrong.

"Darbie? I'm scared."
"Sh. You chose to come with me Wanda. Be quiet."

We walked up the spiral staircase, each stair making a new note of squeaks. The top of the staircase was up a few more steps, but a whole chunk of floorboards was missing. We would have to jump. Effortlessly, I lept across the open space and landed with a loud SQUEAK on the other side. Wanda looked at me, her eyes filled with fear.

"Listen, it's not as hard as you think it is. Just jump."

So she did. She jumped, but her shoes caught on the edge. She started to fall, but I clung to her wrists holding her up.

"Shsh. It's okay. Nothing's there."
"no, Wanda you're fine."

But that's when I felt the tug. She was slipping through my fingers and falling before I could move. There, at the bottom of the staircase, lay a dead corpse of my best friend. Teats started to come without permission. Soon, I was running. Running towards the only door on this floor. The one with the mirror. I tried to open it, but it was locked.

Karate never had more of a use until I wanted to destroy something. That's when I kicked the door in and saw the mirror. It was full length, but it was coated in dust. As if in a trance, I walked up to it and wiped a sheet of dust off. That's when I saw her. The bloody and mangled corpse of Wanda, standing behind me, holding a knife. One single swipe later, I was bleeding on the floor.

"That's for letting go, Darbie."
"I-I-I didn't..." My voice started to fade.
"Goodbye Darbie. Neither of us are surviving."
"Your a-alive"

She snickered at my ignorance and kicked me in the side.

"No. I'm a spirit now, Darbie. Soon, so will you."

I stared up at the ceiling panels. Nothing. Not even a rush of adrenaline was worth death.
© Ladybugz