

Selfish Awakening
Have you ever felt like you always put others before yourself? Did you notice that in doing so, you lost sight of your own dreams and passions? It's time for a "SELFISH AWAKENING".

SELFISH AWAKENING means realizing that taking care of yourself and pursuing your own goals is important for personal growth and happiness. It's not about being selfish in a negative way, but about finding a balance that allows you to prioritize your needs while still caring for others.

There will come a time when you will be forced to choose to be alone. You will realize that it is more important to prioritize yourself over things that do not contribute to your growth in life.

As time goes by, you will notice that the people who are important to you will somehow change and evolve, especially when they become overly confident that you will always be with them. Sometimes, your privacy and boundaries may be bypassed. That's when you will realize the importance of space to restore mutual respect.

Sometimes, you may forget your own goals and passions in life because you prioritize their well-being. Each of us needs to understand our responsibilities towards one another so that we can all work together towards our true purpose in life.

However, due to becoming overly dependent on each other, our true purpose often gets set aside in the constant reliance on one another. There's nothing wrong with supporting each other, but it becomes harmful when it becomes a habit of being overly dependent.

That's why often, you'll notice that another year has passed and a new year is approaching, yet you realize that you haven't accomplished much throughout the year. You can't bring back the lost time, but you can start anew.

And that's where the decision for needing space for yourself comes in, to prioritize the important things that you need to accomplish. You can do so much more when you're on your own.

You can give your full concentration to something important. Self-respect is also very important. It's not your obligation to make them understand if you choose to be alone for a while. It may seem selfish, but in a positive way.

Time is valuable. Let's not waste it and make the most of every opportunity.

#SelfishAwakening #SelfCareMatters #PrioritizeYourself #FindYourPassion #BalanceAndBoundaries #PersonalGrowth #TruePurpose #TimeIsValuable #MakeTheMostOfLife #EmberRageStories

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